Chances for a student with poor SAT scores!

<p>Hispanic male from a public school in NY state.
GPA- 89.8, so about a 3.5 uw
SAT- 470 CR, 550 M, 620 W -really screwed up. plan on retaking at least once
AP- 3- English Lang.
AP- 2- USH</p>

<p>Freshman and Sophomore years: 6 honors combined
Junior year classes:
- AP Humanities USH
- AP Humanities English
Senior year classes:
- IB Spanish
- IB English</p>

<p>IB Certificate candidate
Freshman Baseball
Indoor Track
JV Volleyball
Guitar lessons- 3 years
Madden Club
Olde English F Award
Gifted and Talented
Spanish NHS
National Honors Society
Camp College Prep
Volunteer @ Empire State Games
Little League Baseball Ump
Work at grocery store
Editor of school newspaper
50+ community service hours
School Lit magazine</p>

<p>Please chance me for the following schools:
Penn State- UP
James Madison U
Elon U
Boston U
Northeastern U
U of Maryland- CP
Michigan State U
Loyola College (MD)
Ithaca College
U of Miami (FL)
Syracuse U</p>

U of Maryland</p>

<p>everywhere else is fairly likely. Definitely apply to all of them, see what happens. and you really really need to raise SATS, then all of those reaches should become more achievable. dont worry, i need to retake SATS as well, it happens :).</p>

<p>LOL, "madden club." That is actually pretty tight. I should consider starting such a club after I get into college.</p>

<p>I'd add UMiami, Syracuse, Elon, JMU, and Penn State to the reaches/high matches category.</p>

<p>All of that would change if your scores came up, though.</p>

<p>yeah i agree with ses. UMiami and Syracuse are definitely gonna be reaches with a sub 1050 SAT. you're a URM but i don't think an eskimo could get in with a sub 1050.</p>

<p>Yeah madden club is easily one of my favorite high school "experiences." At the end there was a colossal 30-40 man tourny and it was intense to the max. There were 2 tv's set up in the classroom and directly in back of the two players was an entourage of 10+ people cheering and jeering. And the prize for the winner was a replica nfl jersey of the winners' choice. it was amazing, but the only negative was that the tourny was held on the queercube.</p>

<p>Anyone else? :-P</p>

<p>Your AP scores really don't bode well for improving your SAT significantly.</p>

<p>You'd need to bring it up to about 1900-2000 at least for your reaches in order to have a shot.</p>

<p>Hey were in NY are you from? I'm from the Rochester area..</p>

<p>yea anyways you gotta do the tourny on a PS2 or even better, a PS3, it must have sucked playing madden on a gamecube (btw I would have won that tourney :P)</p>

<p>Good luck getting your SAT scores up :)</p>

<p>Yeah I'm from the Rochester area too</p>

<p>cool what high school?</p>

<p>haha i like the seinfeld reference username</p>