| |-- Basic Concepts in Biochemistry A Student's Survival Guide 2d ed - Hiram F. Gilbert
| |-- Biochemistry 3 ed - Lippincott
| |-- Biochemistry 5th ed - Jeremy M. Berg, John L. Tymoczko, Lubert Stryer
| |-- Biochemistry The Molecular Basis of Life - Trudy McKee, James R McKee
| |-- Biochemistry of Signal Transduction and Regulation 3d ed - Gerhard Krauss
| |-- Lehninger - Biochemistry 4ed 2004
| `-- Murray - Harper's Illustrated Biochemistry 26th Ed
Which is the best biochemistry book? Based on hearsay, Biochemistry 5th ed is the best. Am I right?
Organic Chemistry
| |-- Advanced Organic Chemistry Part A 4th ed - Francis A.Carey
| |-- Advanced Organic Chemistry Part B 4th ed - Francis A.Carey
| |-- Bruckner - Advanced Organic Chemistry - Reaction Mechanisms
| |-- Clayden,Greeves - Organic Chemistry
| |-- Organic Chemistry (5th Edition) (McMurry, John)
| |-- Organic Chemistry 4th ed - Paula Bruice
| |-- Organic Chemistry 5th edition - Carey
| `-- Practical Organic Chemistry - Vogel (5th Ed)</p>
<p>Which is the best organic chemistry book?</p>
<p>Do any of these books include labs? Please try to stick to this list. Is organic chemistry the only prerequisite for biochemistry in most colleges?</p>