<p>Hi guys! During my freshman year I know I'll be taking Physics 45, CS 106A, CS106X, Math 51, Math 52, EE21N, EE 12N,Econ1A, Econ1B, IHUM, and PWR. So I was hoping if some of you have taken some of these courses can tell me what books you used for them (if the books stay pretty much the same) so I can see if I can get them for free at home before getting to Stanford where due to shipping prices it would be impractical to get them from home. Furthermore, if there's a site I can use to find out what books are needed for these courses that advice would be greatly appreciated! Also, do IHUM and PWR have expensive books (>$50)? Thanks in Advance! :)</p>
<p>Stanford</a> Courses should tell you what books are needed for the courses. Students also buy/sell textbooks through that site.</p>
<p>IHUM should have just a bunch of readings, though a lot of it can be found online. What can't be found online is typically cheap, from what I've seen, since they tend to be old texts.</p>
<p>You're welcome. :) Also, if you want to double-check the required books, you can go to the textbook section, enter all the info, and it'll tell you what books are required/optional and their costs:</p>
<p>Just so you know, you shouldn't have both CS106A and CS106X on your schedule, since you can only get credit for one of them (unless you meant B instead of X).</p>