Boston College vs Brandeis vs Tufts vs Harvard

I am trying to figure out my last reach school. I have narrowed down my options to Boston College, Brandeis University, Tufts University, and Harvard University. I am a Washington state high school student (of color, if that matters) with a GPA of 3.6 (unweighted) and 3.4 (weighted). Also my SAT scores are 1060 and 1100. My SAT Essay score was 18/24. I realize my scores and GPA are not exactly Harvard or Tufts or maybe even Brandeis or Boston College material, but that is why I am calling for help. I really liked Harvard University when I visited their campus. Tufts University I thought was pretty nice, but I liked Harvard a little more. I did not visit Brandeis, but it seems more suburban than the other schools. Boston College just sort of gave me a “all right” feel when visiting their campus. If it helps as a reference at all, I really like Boston University. Boston University is my favorite school on my college list. I like more of a urban campus but I am open minded to a more suburban campus. I am undecided but I am possibly interested in archaeology, pre-law, marine biology, acting, or maybe international affairs. I realize this is a broad spectrum. I also realize that each school has strengths and weaknesses for undergraduate programs compared to each other when it comes to my choices. I realize the chance of me getting into Harvard or Tufts is close to nill but I am willing to apply just for fun to see, if there might be the slightest chance. I need some help finding which school is the best match for me to apply. I appreciate anybody’s help and time spent!

Are you from Nepal? Are you Nepalese American? Being Asian is not a URM and will not help you in admissions.

please do not apply to any of those schools, you are wasting money.