Boston University vs Purdue West Lafayette vs Wisconsin-Madison for CS


So I’ve basically narrowed my top choice colleges down to the 3 I mentioned above but they’re giving me a headache, so I wanted some advice from you guys. I’m going to major in CS and possibly another major (probably economics, environmental engineering, mathematics, or something of the like). And more specifically, I’m interested in AI, machine learning, and information security.

After doing some research online and comparing the cost, student life, research, and career opportunities, I’ve come to the conclusion that basically, every college is so different from the others. If I simply look at the prestige, I think Purdue CS is the most renowned and widely respected out of my group, but I know that going to college is just more than that and I really have to feel I belong there.

So I’ll list some of my preferences/selection criteria that will hopefully give you more insight about myself

Cost: doesn’t really matter. My parents are willing to support me no matter where I go. I haven’t gotten any scholarship offers from them.

Career Earnings: I’ve more or less realized that this can be a really important factor in my life, and I’ll try not to be too materialistic here, but I feel like the earnings are a pretty significant factor in my college decisions. But if they’re more or less the same, I would totally prioritize my other criteria over money

Internships: I would prefer to build my network starting from my sophomore~junior year, so I would like to partake in internships to feel what it’s like to be a CS major in the workforce

Social Life: I don’t love going to parties all the time, but I’m more than happy to go to one if I got free time. Also, I would like to participate in plenty of student org, sports clubs, and hang around with my friends inside and outside of campus to really enjoy college life. Schools with D1 sports teams would be nice, b/c I love going to live sports games.

Environment: coming from a pretty rural town, I would prefer an urban environment or at least a suburb. If it’s pretty rural, I guess it would be okay as long as the campus is really active and have lots of things to do

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Seems to me you described Wisconsin. Or Purdue which is definitely not rural.

Throw BU out. If you want to go to museums and check out history - ok Beantown.

Internships will be based on you. And you can get them from any school. But they’re not given to you. But both Purdue and Wisconsin will have successes.

Purdue has great career outcomes. Wisconsin doesn’t show them but must be similar or solid to Purdue. BU for CS - no way.

Both Wisconsin and Purdue have great programs,

Good luck.


I also think BU is out. The other two are better for CS and other criteria you listed except for being urban. Have you visited any of the campuses? My daughter liked the non-campus of BU on a city street but it’s not everyone’s cup of tea.

Between Wisconsin & Purdue, I like Wisconsin better. They are both equally good in CS but Madison is a better town in my opinion.


Oh, I meant to post the career outcomes from Purdue

Placement - Department of Computer Science - Purdue University

Purdue and Wis-Mad are strong in CS. BU is not.
I agree with @tsbna44 and @SouthYankie - I wouldn’t pick BU.

I know you said cost doesn’t really matter, but BU is almost twice the cost of Purdue. What will you get in return for spending that many more $$?


If you are at all interested in coops I would give Purdue the edge over UW. But Madison is a much larger city than WL.

You can’t go wrong with either. Congrats!


The Boston area is a growing place for tech companies. Assuming the cost is NOT too much, I’d keep this on your list.

There is plenty going on in Boston beside museums and history.

ETA…one of my kids is a Boston University graduate and we have spent a LOT of time in Boston. We also know a number of very successful younger folks working in tech industries there. There are plenty of opportunities for internships.

I will agree with others that Purdue and Wisconsin have perhaps stronger CS programs. But if you really want urban and a large urban metro area with tons to do…Boston is terrific.


Unless your goal is to live higher than floor 10 in a building, I don’t know what Boston has to offer that can’t be found in Madison for a normal college student.


Well…let’s start with several major league sports teams, lots of excellent theater, a world class symphony orchestra, easy access to an international airport, great public transportation, etc.

I love Madison also, but it’s different.


On the other hand… there’s the New England Patriots.

Ok, just kidding :grinning:

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While Purdue has a very strong computer science program Boston University is also strong. This is their new computer science building:

Boston is the ultimate college town with the bonus that it is a very large city. 200,000 or so college students in the immediate area…and there isn’t a cornfield in sight. Many CS internships available within commuting distance of Boston University.


I think - there are valid points here all around - i.e. an argument can be made for all.

OP doesn’t really give much to go by in regards to preference:

Costs don’t matter - so assuming no aid, while Purude would be far less than both Wisconsin and especially BU, it doesn’t have an impact here.

Careering earnings - I tend to think people will earn by location. Purdue publishes data. It’s a few years old but what impresses me most is they have grads everywhere - withe the West Coast being the most vs. a school that might be more regional. Again, this is two year old data but in the NE their average was $95K, West $110K and $75K in the SE and MW.

For BU, I could not find CS but noticed theirs is a BA, not a BS - not sure if that matters from a curriculum POV. I could find computer engineering data (theirs is 3 years old) but not computer science and I’m not sure they are relevant. They do have an interesting figure on salaries with internships vs. no internship (a $15K difference).

I also could not find data for Wisconsin - just a firewall.

I’ll assume but can’t say for here that Purdue is superior - so on this one, I’d think Purdue.

Internships - BU shows a large % of engineers (not CS) without internships - but my guess is that it is more kid related than school related. No matter where you go you have to want it!!

Social life - i’m sure all three will work here if the student finds their tribe. OP wants to participate in a lot of organizations - and that’s unlikely as CS, but I’m sure they’ll find a couple and hopefully they’ll have time to integrate. Obviously CS is a brutal major from a time POV.

Environment - if you prefer urban, even the BU campus is urban - so that wins - if you are ok without the traditional quad/grass, etc.

Madison is a cool mid size city on a lake and you’ll never be short of things to do in not so small W Lafayette. It is not rural.

The best thing for you to do is visit. If you like a campus, you won’t like BU. If you like uber urban, you’ll love BU, etc.

You can ask each of the three for current career outcomes - but do realize earnings often correlate with where you live.

The money is significant - but if that’s not a consideration, then that’s fine - but I would double check with your folks. Do they want to pay $350K if they can pay half?

Best of luck on your decision.

Placement - Department of Computer Science - Purdue University


Big Ten football, basketball and hockey is way more enjoyable than the pro leagues. I will give you baseball. The other items really are not on the want lists ( or affordable ) for most college age students.

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On my phone the picture looked like stacked shipping containers :grin:

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Some say it looks like a stack of books.

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Back to the OPs question…

Is there any way you can re-visit the colleges on accepted students day? Doing that really helped my S to make his final choice.


Everyone’s preferences vary, but I can add one student’s data point. When my daughter was looking at CS admission last year, BU did not make the cut for her to apply.

She was accepted to both UW-Madison and Purdue and it was an easy choice at Purdue. The fact that her sister had graduated the year before may have influenced the decision.

1.5 semesters in, she’s quite happy.

But having been born at the UW-Madison hospital while my dad was getting his PhD, I know it’s also a very solid school.


Both Purdue and Madison great schools.
Madison has a lot more going on than West Lafayette…but Purdue has incredible job placement and results. Also- Purdue has not raised tuition in 12 years. No other top institution can say that!


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