<p>And what exactly would not given up mean? Continue to be disappointed? </p>
<p>Baaabaa.... << sheep sounds.</p>
<p>And what exactly would not given up mean? Continue to be disappointed? </p>
<p>Baaabaa.... << sheep sounds.</p>
<p>Bah! Humbug! << Christmas sounds.</p>
<p>Interesting. </p>
<p>Anyone else here an anti-social geek?</p>
<p>I'll be the first to admit that I'm a gross guy. Gross as in grrrrrossly cool. Like OMG.</p>
<p><em>waits for someone to smack him</em></p>
<p><em>crickets chirp</em></p>
<p>Sorry I was ... uh ... bored. Yeah that's it. Bored...</p>
<p>How are you gross? Like dirt gross or sex gross or video game gross?</p>
<p>"Anyone else here an anti-social geek?" </p>
<p>Sorry I had to - I wanted to quote from the Dickens book.</p>
<p>You had to what? What Dickens book?</p>
<p>I ask a lot of questions. Teheh.</p>
<p>LOL adconard hahahahhahahahah!!! that's so lame!!! and so funny at the same time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hsdhfsfahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahaha!!!!!!!</p>
<p><em>snorts like a pig while laughing</em></p>
<p>Like totally!</p>
<p>No comprendo.</p>
<p>Wait, Spinach, I have a question.</p>
<p>Is it gross to be a guy that engages in sexual intercourse with a monogamous partner for years?</p>
<p>Yes. It's gross to be a guy who has sex period.</p>
<p>Awww, how sad. Is it gross to be a woman who has sex?</p>
<p>Yes, as I am not a wh0re.</p>
<p>That's silly. I like you. All those dirty whorish married couples. We should do something about it!</p>
<p>Hah. Um what do you want to do? I simply avoid being a witness to sex. I have a phobia of naked people, ok?</p>
<p>spinach and uclari are u having net-sex???</p>
<p>I have a phobia of ugly naked people, so we're not too far off.</p>
<p>so u ARE doing it....on the net.
advice: if you want SAFE net-sex, get an anti-virus on ur computer spinach so u know XXXXXX wont get into ur YYYYYY</p>
<p>This conversation just took a turn from silly to surreal.</p>