...Boys are Weird...

<p>Did I hear something about candy?? <em>smacks lips, drools</em></p>

<p>-Just another weird boy ;)</p>

<p>Haha. Yes, that always works. Food.</p>

<p>Haha... what about Thanksgiving leftovers (if anyone still has any)? LOL</p>

<p>Bleh...turkey. </p>

<p>Okay, lets lure people in with mashed potatoes and congealed gravy!</p>

<p>LOL..... alright we have to get serious before the thread actually dies. Hmm, everyone LET'S PLAGUE ALL THE OTHER THREADS! We're bound to find other people. Just make a link to this thread and randomly post it EVERYWHERE. There has to be some hope for the thread. Long live boys and all our weirdness!!!</p>

<p>-Jon ;)</p>

<p>Yupyup! Or maybe we should offer live bait....</p>

<p>Haha... if boys = live bait, then I'll tug on your fishing line all day long ;)</p>


<p>i actually had the greatest stories ever....</p>

<p>The fish aren't biting :( .... we need a plan B... and FAST!!! ;)</p>

<p>Wow. APDoolittle, you sure do like boys. [bump]</p>

<p>its funny to watch a boy when he's embarassed, its the cutest thing ever!</p>

<p>haha so true.</p>

<p>ok, so i saw HP last night
i was rather confused since (dont shoot me) ive only read the first book and only seen part of the 1st movie.
but, oh my, the boys are so pretty. the second cedric came on i was like wow :) but my friend kindly told me right away that he was going to die. we both still cherished those few minutes when he was onscreen. and british accents make every boy hotter.</p>

<p>I loved Cedric in HP. </p>

<p>It depends on what kind of English accent- some are just terrible.</p>

<p>I'll tell you something that's weird-</p>

<p>Female black widow spiders eat their males after mating.</p>

<p>Now that's weird.</p>

<p>cannabalism...in most animal species the female is significantly larger, aren't they? Excluding mammals of course...</p>

<p>mmm cannabalism is fun</p>


<p>Thread must keep on keeping on.</p>

<p>Girls/Jon, are glasses on guys hot?</p>


<p>emo glasses, like on rivers cuomo or jamie from instant star (show on The N)
intelligence is hot</p>

<p>Sweet. I think I may be hot.</p>