<p>Currently I'm a junior in a TINY private school, so honestly, at this point I could throw applesauce on a paper and turn it in for an essay for the rest of the year and I'll still be in the top 10.</p>
<p>But as for the real world, that's where the worries start. I'd love to go to MIT or Berkeley but I can't say I exactly trust myself to make it.
My safety schools would be University of Florida and Florida International University.</p>
<p>As of now I rank somewhere in the top three of my class.</p>
<p>Gender: Female
Race: Black
GPA: It probably dropped to a 3.7 by now
SAT: Not pretty...I'm not good at standardized testing...
- Critical Reading = 610
- Math (Yes, I put MIT as a wish list college, so please don't laugh...) = 470
- Writing = 570 {Multiple Choice =57} {Essay = 8}
AP: My school doesn't offer any
- Freshman: Science, History, English
- Sophomore: English
- Junior: English, Bible, Spanish
College Credit Classes: Intro to Computers (3 credits at Barry University for Dual Enrollment)</p>
- Freshman: JV Volleyball, Teacher’s Aide
- Sophomore: National Honor Society, JV Volleyball, Class Treasurer, joined the church orchestra, joined the church choir, Accounting class
- Junior: National Honor Society, Class Treasurer, Church Orchestra, Church Choir, joined an organization called the Leaders of Tomorrow (part of the NBMBAA), Business class, Dual enrollment at Barry University</p>
Although, to be honest, I started slipping grade-wise in my sophomore and junior year since my sister died and then the following year I had a not so pleasant experience when I arrived at a to party find two kids shot in the head and a family friend dead...that freaked me out...we were the first to the scene so it wasn't cleaned up yet...</p>
<p>I know there no excuse to start messing up my grades like that, but there was a decline in my grades after those, nevertheless. So far I've been getting A's and B's this year. Plus, my school's grading scale is supposedly harder than the surrounding public schools' scales.</p>
<p>So would any of those factors apply?
-Also, I definitely plan on taking another college-credit class during the summer at the community college.
-I'll retake the SAT of course
-I'll take the ACT
-I'll play volleyball again for senior year
-I'll do another two dual enrollment courses at Barry University. (Statistics this time and maybe Speech…unless there’s a better one I should take? If there’s a more beneficial one then please share.)
-Join the school band for my senior year
-Take at least three honors classes</p>
<p>Future (maybe):
-I might be spending a week in London at an International Leadership Conference this July. (The conference is still iffy since I have to qualify first, but my chances are decent.)
-I may go to a National conference in September as well but I need to get permission to miss school first...
-I plan on deferring enrollment and taking a gap year to go on a student exchange program after I graduate. Hopefully, Japan...
-Tryout for cheerleading
-Join track and field</p>