brain enhancers

<p>Their use should be limited to those with a very careful and detailed workup to be sure they really have attention Deficit Disorder.
If they do have the problem, then by all means use appropriate amphetamine related drug.
I am now 74 years old, and the affect of the medicine is totally different for me than for the general public. It calms me down, softens my temper, improves my concentration, and when I forget to take it, there is no downer feeling. I live abroad, and the only problem is finding the medication, since it is illegal to import it in the country where I live.
I only wish the diagnosis had been made in 1958, instead of 1990, and my years as a medical doctor would have been much more effective.
This drug is like any other. When used to treat a disease, it is marvelous. When used to help you get more done it is simple intellectual doping.</p>