
<p>what are some things to avoid when writing about why you want to major in economics/business?</p>

<p>Being rich.</p>

<p>Talk about philanthropy. Global change. Foreign affairs.
DO NOT BE CLICHED. Use unique anecdotes.</p>

<p>^ I’d say those are even more cliched, wouldn’t you?</p>

<p>Yeah, not being cliched is just so cliched.</p>

<p>Best option is to be cliched.</p>

<p>i know the application killer is talking about how you know to become an investment banker. </p>

<p>What else it there to avoid?</p>

<p>say you want to be rich</p>

<p>Say I want to earn lots of money SO I CAN DONATE IT TO THE POOR.</p>

<p>say i want big mansions and fancy cars</p>

<p>say I want to earn lots of money so I can donate it back to the university.</p>

<p>Tell them that you want to learn how to finance a child prostitution ring.</p>

