Brown interview help worried =(

<p>I just got contacted for a Brown interview from an alum in my area…I am really worried…I had 2 previous college interviews, 1 for my e.d. school which rejected me (the interview had gone badly, with me asking a lot of random questions I already knew the answer to), the other one was with northwestern ( There were a lot of awkard silences and I sturred and mixed up the words I was saying) + ( when the interviewer asked me about an event in the news, I didn’t know ANYTHING about the issue and said “I have no idea”)…</p>

<p>What kind of questions are typically asked for a brown interview? How many questions should I ask( I don’t want to be the kid that only asks 2 questions and when the interviewer says " Any more questions about Brown" I say “no, not really” lol) How long do the interviews last?</p>

<p>I guess I should stop worrying because it is an inevitable fact that I will be rejected from Brown anyway (weak stats)…When I do get the rejection letter though, I don’t want to think (Damn if I had only done the interview better)…</p>