<p>I was admitted to the PLME at Brown, as well as Harvard, Princeton and Dartmouth, among other schools. The only three choices I was really considering were Brown, Harvard and Princeton, but Harvard and Brown are really geographically where I’d like to be, so I can rule out Princeton with reasonable confidence.</p>
<p>That being said, if I go to the PLME, I don’t know if I would feel like I was trading higher potential (say, HMS or JH) for the security of Brown Medical School. Before your cries of “It’s not about the name! If you worry about that you don’t belong at Brown anyway!” I still think this is a legitimate concern, as the PLME requires a strong commitment, many years in advance. Yes, I realize it’s not binding, but if I change, why go into it to begin with?</p>
<p>I know Brown’s Warren Alpert MS is nothing to scoff at, but at the same time, I don’t know if I would want to commit myself to that, and never try for HMS or otherwise. That being said, I have no idea if I could get into HMS in four years. </p>
<p>Also, living at the same university for 8 years might be rough, especially in Providence, not that Providence is bad, just that I think Cambridge is better.</p>
<p>Long opening post, I know, but any advice?</p>