Brown University Interview

<p>What’s the Brown University interview like? I know it’s just a chance for them to get to know you better, but how much does it weigh in the application process. Were there specific questions or was it more like a conversation?</p>

<p>Oh and I would be 2013, just for clarification…I accidentally posted on the wrong year…Sorry</p>

<p>He basically had a printout of questions from the alumni website, HAVE AN ANSWER TO ALL OF THESE:</p>

<li>Tell me about yourself.</li>
<li>How did you first hear about Brown? (I said on Fox News… sexpowergod. hahahaha)</li>
<li>What are your strengths?</li>
<li>How did you get interested in X major?</li>
<li>How did you get interested in X career?</li>

<p>I just got back from a Brown interview. The main question the lady asked was why I applied to Brown. I would also recommend doing some research on common college question and create an outline for the possible questions and answers to those questions.</p>

<p>I don’t think the interview matters too much unless you’re on the border line. Overall, it should help you or doing nothing.</p>