<p>Hi everyone --</p>
<p>If you had to choose between Brown and Middlebury, which would you choose and why?</p>
<p>Of course I’m aware that having posted on the Brown message board, I will hear mostly from Brunonian supporters, I’m still curious to hear what you have to say.</p>
<p>I think it’s really a matter of preference. Middlebury is an excellent LAC, but it’s not really as close to major New England cities as Brown is. I’d probably chose Brown, but it’s really a lot of about the atmosphere for me. The Brunonian culture is so different from many other schools. Also, if financial aid is a factor, I’m pretty sure Middlebury boasts better packages. I hope this helps! If you wanted to be a bit pretentious, I’m pretty sure Brown doesn’t have as much of a name recognition problem that LAC’s tend to have. Academically, I’m pretty sure their the same…</p>
<p>My son has this same choice, but only in theory: Brown (and other LACs) gave him generous financial aid, and Middlebury gave him nothing, so Midd isn’t a possibility, unfortunately.
Both are fantastic schools.</p>
<p>Cross posted with #2. Curious why you think Midd has better financial aid? Not our experience, as I mentioned above.</p>
<p>sbux–I’m in a similar position, debating Brown and Bowdoin. Both are so different, but I love them both so much. Almost wish one rejected me so the decision was made for me haha</p>
<p>I applied to Brown early decision, so I never actually got to Middlebury in the application process. I ended up eating in the cafeteria there once my sophomore year of college (turns out it’s free). For me, the culture was strikingly different. Middlebury seemed very homogeneous. It seemed like everyone was wearing the same thing and I felt like an outsider. I just didn’t get a good vibe. At Brown, I feel relatively unmarked - just sort of a normal guy. I’m not sure it’s not universal, but the friends I was with shared my feeling. It did seem like a really beautiful campus, though, and the person I was visiting there was very happy.</p>
<p>In case anyone hasn’t seen: [YouTube</a> - MIDD KID (Official Music Video)](<a href=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZzCHcMKyDc]YouTube”>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZzCHcMKyDc)</p>
<p>Not sure if that helps Midd’s case or not - though I think the video is absolutely fantastic and it actually kinda reminds me of Brown in a lot of ways.</p>