Bruincard..too late for my session?

<p>i'm going to orientation on july 24-26...but still havent sent in my bruincard photo. should i just not bother with it now because it's too late, and just get it done there?</p>

<p>way too late. just get it done at orientation. see you there! (i'm 103 too)</p>

<p>just wait in line (REALLY LONG) and take the picture...takes less than 3 minutes for them to print it out...its the 100 feet long line to GET IN on the first day thats a pain...</p>

<p>haha. no way. I only had to wait 8 minutes or so and that's not long. I saved myself $10 :-P.</p>

<p>lucky~ orientation 102 had so many people.
the hour after check in when every1 settled down in their rooms and stuff...the line for the bruin card was realy long b/c 1 so many people didnt get theirs in the mail or 2 had a faulty bar code so they needed to issue a new one or else they wont work in the cafeterias</p>

<p>yeah, in session 102 everyone had to get a new card.</p>

<p>yep, everybody that got sent a card has to get a new one b/c of some problem, so either way, everybody visits the bruincard center. My picture on my new card came out really dark.</p>