<p>P.S. I honestly almost didn’t apply to Bryn Mawr because the old website was so dark that I got depressed every time I was researching something on the college website. I am glad that changed!</p>
<p>Be positive girls! I know it can hurt us, but I’m trying not to think about that. XD</p>
<p>I agree that a website can influence a person’s decision to apply (well, in my case). When a college website looked unappealing, hardly updated (I HATE this), dark, etc. I didn’t really want to apply. :/</p>
<p>The Vassar website is a bit appalling (the first bit, anyways; the undergrad area is better). I applied anyways, but…man. And the Smith website is a bit overly minimal. Surprisingly, one of my favorite sites was actually Hampshire College’s. LOL.</p>
<p>Really? I loved the Vassar website and the viewbook they mailed me early last year. But the Bryn Mawr website and viewbook were close, very bright and colourful, and beautifully designed. Still waiting to hear from both colleges. Fingers crossed! :)</p>
<p>Remember, because it’s free now there will be more students who are underqualified or not right for Bryn Mawr who apply just for the heck of it and will be sorted out… so it might not be as bad for you as it seems.</p>
<p>Haha, I applied because it was free and fell in LOVE. If it hadn’t been free I wouldn’t have thought about applying and now I’m sososo glad I did.</p>
<p>Hahaha… I initially applied to Bryn Mawr because I happened to have a $50 check at home (overseas) which I couldn’t cash because the fees were too high. And Bryn Mawr’s application fee was $50. :)</p>
<p>omg, I can’t believe how depressed I was about not getting in, and hear I am seriously considering spending the next four years there…wow, this whole college process is changing me completely :)</p>