BS Class of 2020 Thread

DH, DC2 and I visited AppleKid this weekend to celebrate Easter together. A few random thoughts and observations:

  1. Patriot Day???! I never heard of that before. But it sure seemed to keep the roads nice and clear.
  2. Kent School–beautiful! PA crew traveled there to race on Saturday and we were wowed by the campus.
  3. I felt incredibly unfit in the airport and on the plane home in the company of so many Boston Marathon finishers with all their swag! But I have to give them props, what an accomplishment!

@AppleNotFar , I saw a bit of one of the races on the live-stream feed. It looked rough out on the river!

@Temperantia it was! it was a good learning experience for AppleKid :slight_smile:

I had a nice chat with Kent parents who also have a kid at another beautiful school–Berkshire!

@AppleNotFar Patriots Day is a Massachusetts and Maine holiday celebrating the Battle of Lexington & Concord - the start of the Revolutionary War (the shot heard round the world).

It is also public school vacation this week so many families are away.

Also known as “everyone vacationing in the south is from Massachusetts week…”. Every other hat, tshirt, or tattoo is brandishing some New England sports team.

And, of course, it’s the date of the Boston Marathon.

It also used to be the reason residents of MA, ME, and some other states sometimes got a couple days reprieve for Tax Day, since the processing center is in Andover. This year’s extension is due to Emancipation Day, which I never knew was a holiday. :slight_smile:

When does everyone get their students back for summer? My daughter had her first final exam yesterday and will continue with one exam a day through Thursday. They are required to attend graduation on Saturday and can leave after that. I decided to fly out on Thursday and bring her home with me on Sunday! I can’t wait to see her!

How is everyone feeling after this first year? At times it went incredibly slow, but now looking back, I can’t believe she already has her Sophomore classes chosen and her room assignment for next year (she got lucky and got a single like she was hoping for) and is coming home for summer! Well, at least for two weeks until she goes to camp for four!

I still have people ask “so she’s going back again next year” or “oh, so she didn’t decided to come back home next school year”! My personal favorite (because I’m starting a new job on the 30th) is when they assume I must be leaving my current position to move to where her school is. Ugh!

Kid flying home on June 8. It’s been a fantastic year full of learning, change, and growth. Can’t wait to have her back though. Enjoy every tiny bit of time you have together this summer!

@RuralAmerica – LOL, we get that reaction all the time out here in Cali. Talk about not getting it. There is a VERY long thread entitled ¨Negative Reactions to BS¨ that spans something like three Years. Check it out if you have not done so already, ha ha!

Our end of year will be bittersweet this year. Our daughter (class of 2020) is staying on at school. However, our son is not (class of 2019). His health and grades were suffering, so we are bringing him home. Needless to say, this will be an interesting Summer for our family. . .

@applenotfar – lurking old posts while on the commuter train. Do you have a son or daughter rowing for PA crew. My daughter is rowing for Choate and will be going to NEIRA´s this weekend rowing in the third boat of fours. She´s loved crew, but definitely sounds like she´s ready for the 25-hour-a-week committment to be over with. I really wish we could be there for all of the excitement!

(On a side note, please excuse my lack of question marks. That character somehow disappeared on my old iPad keyboard!)

@itcannotbetrue I’m sorry to hear of your son’s troubles and wish you all well this ​summer. I’ve pm’d you about crew. It sure is a time-burner for the students, especially the long Saturdays!

June 2nd is the happy day that we get our kiddo home :smiley:

On a more serious note, just last week I learned that one of AppleKid’s good local friends was assaulted by two classmates; I was sick to my stomach when I was told about it. These are all kids and families we’ve known since elementary school. AppleKid has stayed in touch with this friend and the entire friend group who are all devastated in the wake of the attack. (The perpetrators were asked if they would leave the school so that an expulsion would not be on their school records… and also, many believe, to leave the door open for the kids to reapply for admission–which I don’t find acceptable.) While I’m pleased that AppleKid is keeping up with the local friendships and being supportive from afar, I have to admit that I’m relieved that we are no longer formally part of that school community (and so is AppleKid). The social structure at BS is quite different than at home (in a good way!) and AppleKid’s friends and teammates at BS are wonderful–each strong and confident, yet kind. For this I am incredibly thankful.

Best of luck to you and your son, @itcannotbetrue. I’m sure he will thrive wherever he lands. Bonus: You get to have him close. Hugs to you.

Enjoy having your kids home! @itcannotbetrue , I can only imagine that you have been through a stressful year. I hope the summer brings everyone some relief.

Going to Choate for Commencement this weekend May 28, 2017. Have not been back since DD went back for Deerfield Day in October. She wants to go back and celebrate with her friends who are graduating Sunday. So much has changed in a year. scary.

I hope all works out well @itcannotbetrue for your 2019er. When one path doesn’t work out so well, there’s most certainly another one to follow.

I retrieve my DD on June 2 and we will be happy to have her home for the summer. It really did go by very fast for us as parents. My DS who is 16 was pretty oblivious to her absence but my DD 13 missed her terribly – but I’m certain they will be fighting again by say June 6th or so.

I hope it’s a positive and healthy change for your son, @itcannotbetrue!

@itcannotbetrue here is hoping for a smooth transition for your family. Our daughter left PEA after sophmore year due to similar curcumstances It felt like such a “loss” at the time. Happy to report that it was the best decision for her. She is now a healthy, happy, successful college junior.

@itcannotbetrue, I am sorry to hear that. I am confident that your child will find another fit somewhere

@itcannotbetrue Hugs. =(( Hope he regains health and strength quickly. I am sure you know what is best and in the end everything will turn out best for all. Best wishes to you and your son. :x