BS Class of 2020 Thread

Thank you all! She’ll need those healing vibes more than she realizes. When you’re 15 you just feel invincible, don’t you. She even wanted her elbow operated on at the same time as the knees. The doc just gave her the look and said, “Um, you realize you need two arms to support your weight when both your legs are out, right?”

@GoatMama – Oh.My.Goodness. Wishing your DD the speediest recovery possible! Are these ACL surgeries. . . I have a little experience with those :-S Beach volleyball injury from 20 years ago!

It’s bursitis, but yes, due to volleyball impact. She is a libero, so she hits the floor all. the. time, knees and elbows. We’re taking out the bursa sacks.

I think that is a better surgery… Good to get it done now before her pre-season starts back up. But what a drag–especially the airport commutes. Xoxo


Yikes. That’s right up there with the wisdom teeth vacation…

Spring break 2.0: Another AppleFamily road trip, this time just with DC2. Seeing my folks in NC on our way to Andover for PA’s first crew races. Drove around Duke and…UNC TODAY to check 'em out for AppleKid. Chapel Hill was nuts!!!

Revisit host 2.0: AppleKid got called up again to host yesterday–but this time for a recruit in AppleKid’s primary sport. Yikes! It’s like when your kid plays goalie, or anchors a relay. BUT just got the good news that the guest committed to PA. Phew! (Still no word on guest #1 though.)

^ It’s interesting to see a revisit day from the viewpoint of a host now, isn’t it? Different worries and concerns.

GoatKid’s revisit student apparently barely talked or made an eye contact. :frowning: I too am curious about the outcome of that revisit. Fortunately, her friends’ revisits were all within the norm - chatty, excited kids.

My kid loves hosting revisit guests and considers it a personal challenge to see how many she can “close the deal” on. One revisit mom, now new parent, actually took my kid out for her bday dinner as we live too far to do so and that is the connection our kid made with their family at revisit.

Cannotbetrue DC2 (really, that just does not have the same ring as Applekid!) Hosted a nice girl from upstate NY. That´s all I´ve got, folks. Maybe if we were texting, I would have gotten more scoop. LOL!

You should be really starting texting. My communication with “SculptureKid” became significantly richer when we switched to mostly texting from talking.

Maybe I need to start texting. I swear my kid does not know that the original purpose of the phone is to talk. I’ll see where texting get me.

original purpose of the phone “was” :slight_smile:

We FaceTime (on the laptop) at night right before study hours, while GMCkid is cleaning her room and getting organized. I’m literally like a fly on the wall, as kids come in and out, laundry gets sorted, and papers are filed. One of the (many) benefits of having a single.

One downside to texting - some schools actively try to discourage cell phone use on campus, while not in their dorm rooms. It’s corrosive to community if students are focused on their phones while walking the paths, in the dining hall, etc. As a parent, I tried to not add to that smartphone addiction.

Plus, I like to hear voices or see expression so phone and Skype have always been my preference. :slight_smile:

Clean her room and get organized! Papers are filed! My kid would think your daughter is an alien. He has no idea what those things are.

Texting doesnt work at my kid’s school. Location is a bit remote. We communicate by any means that can happen over wifi. She is a junior and only has an old flip phone! She tends to reach out to Facetime or Skype AFTER study hall-usually 10:30pm. In some ways, we talk more because we talk most days and at that time of day, when things are winding down, she tends to unload. Its good.

@dowzerw Due to the time difference (or is it my advancing age?) I can’t stay awake past the end of study hall! Most days she doesn’t carry her phone with her, due to Cate’s phone rules, so I agree @doschicos. Wherever GMCkid2 ends up, he has already warned me not to expect the same high levels of communication & organization that I enjoyed with his older sister :wink:

“Clean her room and get organized! Papers are filed! My kid would think your daughter is an alien. He has no idea what those things are.”

I hear ya, @queenmother !
Alien, indeed!

A good link to send to the kids :slight_smile: