BS Class of 2020 Thread

@chemmchimney Congratulations!!! ?

Thanks @carpoolingma! Am contemplating doing my own a la @SevenDad “one family’s journey” thread in the future once all the Ts have been crossed. This would be more along the lines of “We did it my [daughter’s] way and we had zero confidence it would all work out in the end, but hey it totally did!” and it would hopefully give a boost to all the CCers whose children have learning differences and other unique challenges that make this path seem very daunting at times. I had a stiff drink followed by very expensive wine to celebrate tonight!

Big congrats from me, too, @chemmchimney! You celebrated properly. :wink:

Woohoo @chemmchimney!!! WTG Chimney kid!

That’s so awesome to hear @chemmchimney and congratulations!!!

Congrats to Chemmkid and @chemmchimney! How wonderful to be able to celebrate the holidays without the dark cloud of college admissions hanging overhead!

DD has submitted four applications. Her EA choice is Reachy, reachy, reach—sadly no one is getting their hopes up around here:( Her top choice schools continue to be 3,000 miles away—as is her BS :frowning: :(. It’s all so difficult for us, but of course we are supporting her as she has worked so hard for this. WAY harder than either one of us ever worked in HS!

@chemmchimney You should do that write-up when the time is right.
@SevenDad 's journey was so helpful while we were going through the process and deciding what to do. In fact, that thread is where my CC bookmark led to for several years! The more perspectives of the journey from start to finish, the better, IMO.

Hang in there, @itcannotbetrue . We are also waiting for a reach (ED in his case) and DS will have to quickly generate additional application supplemental essays if he doesn’t get in.

Congratulations ??? @chemmchimney and chimneykid!!! What an amazing feeling!!!

DD is feeling some kind of way because she has not received any acceptances yet (nor been declined) but has heard so many others have received responses. She says she just needs one acceptance to lift her spirits. She applied to 5 EA, 1 regular so far but there are others that we had hoped to get out by Thanksgiving but because of community service hour requirements she was unable to work on these essays as much as she would have liked to during her break so those essays are still pending but not due for a few more weeks.

I don’t think most EA decisions have come out. I think most come out mid-December. Where did she apply?

Fordham, WPI, Clark, Union, Stevens, Ramapo.

Congratulations, @chemmchimney !

For all of you who are waiting, strength! My kid’s EA schools reported in mid-Jan. (And he got deferred at his ED school, so no early celebrations in our house.) It’s hard when folks around you getting decisions.

@Sarrip , I can guess what your D was looking for based on your list!

For all the parents of 2020, keep in mind it isn’t over until RD results come out. Actually I should say until WL close (as our older daughter got off the extended WL in August as a transfer student to GT a few years ago.)

Last year our younger daughter was deferred by her ED school and only applied to our state school EA. So heading into March, we had no idea how the story would end. Many of her friends had solid acceptances in hand and at times it felt like she was one of the only one who had no defined path. Fast forward to April 1st and she had 8 amazing schools to choose from and had a hard time deciding where she would attend. Hopefully this will give you some perspective as ED results come in. It isn’t over until all the results are in and even then many kids still transfer to another college before they graduate. Good luck to the class of 2020!

Chimneykid2 just got her official acceptance along with a $18,500 merit scholarship per year for 4 years. Whoo hoo! So I can now reveal the school is Lewis & Clark in Portland. This is a wonderful school with a very high acceptance rate and there is almost no chatter about it on CC . DD is interested in majoring in visual arts and doing their 5 year counseling MA program. They also are pretty generous with merit aid (We do not qualify for financial aid and did not submit FASA) Very strong in environmental science too and just 5 miles outside Portland on a gorgeous campus (same landscape designer as Central Park) No college or BS is perfect but I do believe there is a lid for every pot and my daughter has hopefully found hers! They have an arts themed dorm with a ceramics wheel inside - game over for my girl. For those who are battling the impossible admissions odds in the northeast, go west young men (and women). Lots of wonderful schools in WA and OR with far fewer applicants than similar schools back east. We also toured Univ of OR, Univ of WA, Puget Sound, but not Reed or Whitman which are also wonderful schools in the PNW. DD applied ED test optional/portfolio path.

Hooray for @chemmchimney kid! Lewis and Clark is beautiful and Portland is a very desirable city for young people. Well done! I hope it turns out to be all she is hoping for and then some!

Woohoo! Fantastic! Congratulations to Chimney kid!! Lewis & Clark is a wonderful school with a gorgeous campus! Portland doesn’t need promotion either.

GoatKid1 is awaiting her ED decision at the “goat crossing”… ?

@chemmchimney, CONGRATULATIONS!!! That’s great news. Is this it or is she waiting for more?

@Sarrip Nope that’s it. She applied ED so it’s one and done. She is going to Nepal from Feb-May so it is very good to have this all sorted out in advance.

Congrats to you and your daughter, @chemmchimney!