BS Class of 2023 Thread

@GoatMama, Hugs. It will be worth it. :slight_smile:

Wonderful news!

4 days!

78 hours!!!


Just found out that two of the three schools DS applied to will announce Friday at 5 pm. The other one still says Sunday, but I wonder if they’ll change it given that these particular school all compete directly with each other. I thought DS would be happy that he’d find out earlier, but he’s highly annoyed that he won’t find out about all three at the exact same moment (I have no idea why). He’s also miffed that he’ll be in baseball practice at 5 pm. There’s just no pleasing that kid!

This is my first post here, but I’ve been lurking for a while. My daughter’s first and only choice will be sending out their decisions tomorrow via email. They posted a photo of their acceptance packages on Instagram today, I assume they’ll be mailed out soon. My kid attends a very small private, artsy school right now after two very bad years in the public middle school (bullying). She wants a very similar environment at BS. We visited the school and she fell in love with it so I’m really hoping we get good news tomorrow (it’s not one of the more competitive schools, as far as I know). We have a few other schools to follow up with if she doesn’t get in, hoping they still have space.

Good luck to all of the other kiddos waiting for good news in the next few days!

Good luck to your daughter! And welcome to CC!

DS got accepted at all three schools he applied to! I found out right a 5 pm today, and it was killing me not to text him, but he wanted to look himself (which he has finally done). Now it’s going to be a hard choice on which to pick, especially because he can only go to 2 of the 3 for revisit days, due to preexisting vacation plans. Good luck to everyone waiting for decisions tomorrow and Sunday!

Great news!

Sigh of relief, got the first acceptance this morning a bit earlier than expected so now I can post on this thread. Yeah, I am that superstitious, not really, but kind of. LOL. So excited that my pup has managed to get a spot in the class of 2023! Congratulations to all who will be posting on this thread for the next several years, I look forward to getting to know you!


Accepted to Cheshire, Taft, and Loomis. Waitlisted by Choate.

@skieurope can you pin this at the top for us?


Thank you! Now we are official! ?

Either Andover or Exeter class of 2023!

Yay! Go purple liongorillas! (Big Red for me)

Go Big Red! Exeter '23!

Yup! Go, Big Red!

It’s Exeter '23 for DC1!