BS/DO General Thread

i appreciate hearing more of your thoughts on the subject! thoughts[quote=“moodybluepapaya, post:215, topic:3517497, full:true”]
Okay, so I’ve been gathering my thoughts on this process. Unfortunately, it’s a four page word document, so I’ve got to figure out how I’m going to break it up.

thanks for sharing! i’ll definitely be sure to share mine once all my decisions come out

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Thanks for sharing. I will share mine soon. BSDO are really getting quite competitive and will continue to do so.

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Thank you very much for your very detailed and thought-provoking post.
I am sure very many people will find it informative.
Have you decided on what offer your son will accept?

I do not think the seat is guaranteed even with requirements fulfilled because this is the information from their website: “Students must also pass a personal interview which will be granted upon formal application through AACOMAS by October 31st of the senior year with a supplemental submitted by November 31st.”
So, you still need to pass the interview which is always highly subjective.

Thats very detailed message, thanks for sharing. I checked with NYITCOM they mentioned it is non binding that means we can apply outside based on our MCAT score but need to finish UG. IS that your understanding as well ?

we didnt like Manhattan campus at all .scheduled tour for westbury next week and I hope my D will like it.

Looking at the better UG choices like UCLA North Eastern we are in so much confusion to go for NYITCOM or not. what would you do ? As you mentioned you have more experiences with your elder one just asking your opinion

Is there a list of feeders posted somewhere?

I will DM you.


I actually didn’t even know that there were other feeders until later in this cycle. I don’t know if there is actual list, but I believe some of the SUNY schools are feeders.

My best advice is to request info from NYITCOM to get a list of feeders. You can submit for info with this link.

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We applied NYIT.COM through SBU. Is this good UG college??

A requirement for an interview with AdComs is very standard in BSMD and BSDO programs.

My point was that at Gannon/PCOM you could be a cohort of 5 competing for 3 seats heading into that interview.

What I’m recommending is trying to apply to programs where you have the seat and if you don’t fulfill the requirements, then you could lose it.

My daughter selected for honors for St. Bonaventure university
Still waiting for LECOM results

I thought all LECOM results are out, no?

Thank you for your advice! Will do!

My daughter called they said it’s under review. They will update soon

wow… did you just apply recently?

Feb 28th she submitted her interview

got it! thanks.

Re: SBU as a UG

Unfortunately, I won’t be able to comment on most UG schools since this is not my area of expertise. But, I can help with some advice (and this goes for those who pick the traditional route as well).

The real question for all of these students is: Where will they be most successful?
The factors in this are:

  1. GPA - GPA is king. You cannot fix this without a lot of extra work (like post-bac programs). Try to pick a school where you think you can succeed at keeping your GPA high.

  2. Recommendation Letters - you will need recommendation letters. Try to pick a school where professors will get to know you in your major (at least at the upper level classes).

  3. Medically related EC’s - ask about clubs, activities, hospitals, opportunities for research, try to talk to other pre-med students at the school (this can be done when you visit the school)

  4. Cost - This is a long (expensive) road. Scholarships to a UG can help reduce the burden.

  5. Fit - Visit the school and get a feel for the students and the vibe/culture. Do you feel like a name or a number? Do you feel students are collaborative or competitive? And, ultimately, do you like the answer to those questions - it comes down to whether you can succeed there.

This is by no means a comprehensive list, but it’s a good starting point.

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My daughter gpa is 106
12 Ap’s
SAT : 1520
Shadowing physical hours: 70+
Volenteering hours: 300+
President of Red Cross club
Secretary of Keclub
Advisory committee member for CATCh my breath
YOuth advisory committee
Wrote articles for local news paper
Interview going to telecast in April in discovery education channel ( one of four members through out US) on drug and abuse , hulling etc
And many more
She applied to bs md ‘s
Only got Drexel interview- waiting for final results

Applied to bs /do -accepted
And lecom

She got all colleges honors

If she didn’t get other two programs we are planning to send her to NYIT

At that time based on her mcat score she can decide whether to stay with Nyit or traditional route

Just to reserve a spot