BS/DO General Thread

Both are competitive - one the medical school side LECOM probably has a slight edge than Nova.

Thank you! I will repost my question in that thread.

Hello, I am new to this. Do the BS/DO programs that require MCAT have a particular score you must get? Also, is your seat in medical school guaranteed as long as you meet all the requirements?
thank you!

Please post your question in the below thread for a wider audience to read and respond to your question.

Anyone have a list of BS/DO programs without MCAT?

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LECOM programs do not require MCAT

No MCAT for Missouri Southern State/KCUCOM, 3.5 UG GPA is required to stay in the program.
Many BSDO programs mandates avg/mean MCAT score (usually 500). Rutgers-Camden BSDO program requires 501 MCAT score. Attaining a score of 501 on the MCAT means you performed in the 56% percentile.
IMO, don’t just pick programs just because they do not require MCAT score. Down the line, DOs will have to take many standardized tests (DOs take COMLEX or USMLE) and board exams.

Is anybody applying to LECOM bsdo this cycle?

I would recommend also posting this question on the BSMD BSDO 2023 thread.

Thanks! Will do!

radio silent here and there lol

It may be early. A lot more people start posting on the thread as applications are due.

makes sense
it is early

I recently got into IIT-CCOM and considering it. How is IIT in terms of campus life and preparing to apply to other med schools?

Is your S or D get in to NOVA BS-DO program in fall 2022?

My DD got admission for fall 2023 in that program and need sone advice from existing students.
Mainly pros and cons for selecting 7 or 8 year option and what sublet strategy for first / second year to give MCAT of thinking applying out?

Appreciated your reply and if possible contact info.


What does this part of your question mean?

We have option in Nova BS-DO for 3+4 or 4+4. Wondering if anyone have applied out from NOVA to other MD program with good MCAT score and what’s their advise for freshman student in that program?

This is what bothered me with Nova. Their stats are stange with 50% of students not making to DO. I couldn’t figure out were all students running to other medical schools or were failing requirements and were unprepared .
Can’t help you there because my child decided to enroll with different DO. You will hardly find your answer on CC.
Also I personally don’t see the point (except safety) go to program if you do not intend to stay with it.
My thoughts when child considered Nova: there is no way to do 3+4 or 4+4 to effectively get out. Most MD students come with GAP year that is used to apply to medical schools and extra medical experience.
You can switch with Nova from 3+4 to 4+4. But 3+4 assumes you start DO without getting BS first. To apply out you need BS

If you have enough community college credits or AP you can get BS in 3 years, but probability that you get very good MCAT, apply to med school and get all required clinical hours, get Accepted to another Med school and do all in 3 years - that is way above Nova caliber student. What on the earth that student is doing at Nova in first place?
And if after 3rd or 4th year you are applying out and not continue with Nova since GAP is not built in, you lose Nova seat
 So Nova is not safety anymore

Hi! Could you share the programs you applied to and got in? Could you also share the extracurriculars that got you in? If you want to PM me you can, I just don’t know how to do it lol. Thank you!!

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