BS/DO General Thread

Don’t know how to DM. Can you please DM so that we can discuss. Thank you

Congratulations to everyone who has got an acceptance offer.

As you may know, there is a RESULTS thread where parents/students share their stats and perspectives for both BS/MD and BS/DO experiences. It helps the future applicants and parents.

Requesting everyone active on this thread to post their stats and perspectives on that single RESULTS thread. Here is the link to the same:

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The Results thread is titled “BS/MS BS/DO Results - Fall 2022 applicants.”


Do you mind DMing me too cause I want to know which SUNY school is the best for the program. Thanks!

Hi, I was recently admitted to some BS/DO programs, and I was wondering if people would be willing to share their thoughts on which one would be best to choose.

  • NYIT BS/DO (7 years, higher MCAT requirement)

  • Rutgers-Camden & RowanSOM BS/DO (7 years, 501 MCAT requirement)

  • LECOM EAP (Feeder schools: RIT - 7 years, WPI- 8 years, MCPHS - 7 years, Syracuse - 8 years)

any help would be appreciated, thank you :slight_smile:


Congratulations on your acceptances!

I think from your list LECOM is the only program that does not have MCAT requirements. Something to keep in mind if avoiding MCAT is important to you.

Would you mind sharing your stats?

Thank you! Yes, ideally I would prefer a 7 year with no MCAT so I was cleaning towards LECOM but I’ve heard that RowanSOM is a better medical school. I’m not sure how much that matters, and if the trade-off of a quicker timeline & no MCAT outweighs that.

Yes, of course! My stats were 4.0 UW GPA and a 34 ACT

Thank you for sharing your stats!
Is location important? If you live in NJ and want to stay close to home, then Rowan looks like a good choice. If location is irrelevant, then why not skip MCAT and go to LECOM?

I’m not from NJ so location isn’t too big of a deal. Yes, I’m leaning towards LECOM but still a little apprehensive about the medical school.

Thanks for the help, I really appreciate it :slight_smile:

Look at the cost. That is another important factor.

KCUCOM is also 7 year, no MCAT required.

Anyone here commit to BS/DO programs?



yes, sbu/lecom


Congrats on committing to SBU/LECOM. Please share your stats, acceptances and experience in this thread. It helps the future applicants and parents.

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yes, nsu-kpcom


same here, committed to nsu/kpcom!


Does anybody know if affiliated UG colleges share Common App info with LECOM? Curious to know if LECOM EAP gets anything in addition to what they ask from applicants directly (ex. recommendations, common app essay, etc).

It has been quiet here recently ))).

Which one do you think is more competitive (for 4+4 bsdo) - LECOM EAP or NSU/KPCOM?

BS/MD and BS/DO threads have been merged into one thread:

Please post your questions here - you will probably get more interaction.