BS/DO General Thread

All Applied DO programs are offered except PCOM… waiting for PCOM(forward lately) and waiting for BSMD

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Re: Rutgers Camden/Rowan BS DO

Not yet - scheduled for next week.

Do you mind sharing which BS DO programs you applied to?

Does anyone know if rutgers-camden bs/do requires mcat

Does anyone know how many people get accepted into the DO program at NSU every year?

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Congrats to those hearing back for interviews and acceptances to NSU!
Are your interviews in person? Exciting…

All the shark preview interviews in January and February were thankfully virtual due to COVID-19 but they still have in-person experiences available in March or April for those who would prefer it.

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We have applied only two and we got those (NYIT and NSU)

Did you happen to apply and get accepted to any of the razor’s edge programs during your shark preview weekend?

which one would you prefer, any idea how is NYIT DO program.

Yes, We got the Razor’s edge program.

No much info… i am also looking if anyone has any info. NYIT is a binding program… NOVA is non-Binding

for research? Congrats, that’s amazing!!

Yes research program

Do you think that is a really good thing… i don’t know that going to be good or not… Do you have any info on it

Binding you mean is to forfeit the seat when you apply other colleges?


My understanding is that we can decide based on MCAT score. Untill then its non binding right.Only concern is we got manhattan campus for UG not sure how the campus etc.

Yes, it’s a great program and I have a lot of info about it! You’ll receive an annual $24k scholarship ($20K for tuition restricted & $4K for Room and Board) and earn a minor in Research Studies so you’ll gain a lot more opportunities to do research during undergrad with mentorship from faculty mentors.

Same situation here. I got assigned the manhattan campus and found that I liked the long island campus better. You can switch your campus by contacting admissions but once you make the switch, then it’s permanent. I haven’t told them my decision yet because I’m still trying to research both campuses.