BS/MD Results - Class of 2019

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Posting for my daughter 

GPA: 4.0 (UW), no weighted

Class Rank: no rank awarded by the school
 probable valedictorian

SAT: 1540 only attempt

SAT Subject Tests:
Chemistry: 780
Math 2: 800
Bio: 800

College credits: 68 by the time of completion

Teacher / Counselor Recs: No idea

State: NJ
Gender: F
Ethnicity: ORM
Hooks: None

400 hours of research in Antibiotic resistant bacteria at an acclaimed research center
THED program at Rutgers University
Science Scholars Academy at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
Columbia Science Honors program
Summer scholar program at Rutgers

Medical related Activities:
400+ hours of EMT
300+ hours of volunteering at Senior rehabilitation center
130 hours of shadowing in Pediatric emergency unit

Vice president at Doctors without borders club
Treasurer at Red Cross
12+ yrs of Classical Vocal and dance training and performing
3 yrs School Ambassador
Debate/Forensic club
2017/2018 Bio league school captain

Awards and honors
2017 SkillUSA Medical terminology NJ State champion
2017 SkillsUSA Medical terminology Nationally placed 4th
2018 Skills USA Medical terminology - NJ Bronze medal winner
National Merit Commended Scholar
Phi Theta Kappa Honors society
National Honors Society

Applied to the following BS/MD Programs:
Northwestern HPME - interviewed - Rejected
PennState / Jefferson - Rejected pre interview
Drexel/Drexel - Rejected pre interview
Temple/ Temple - interviewed - rejected
Hofstra - Rejected pre interview
CaseWestern - rejected pre-interview

URochester - rejected pre-interview
BU - rejected pre-interview
UConn - rejected pre-interview
UMKC - interviewed - Rejected
TCNJ/NJMS - interviewed - ACCEPTED
NJIT/NJMS - interviewed - ACCEPTED
Rutgers/NJMS - rejected pre-interview
RPI/AMC - Rejected pre interview

UG: Rutgers NB - Accepted (Honors College)

Scholarship: Full ride from NJIT including room and board

My 2 cents: Cast a wider net when you apply for this program. There is no rhyme or reason on rejection or acceptance. you could get accepted by a top program and rejected by a lower ranked one. All you can control is your stats, EC, interviews, etc. For many, March will be the longest month waiting for interviews or result. My daughter had 4 medical school interviews in this process and felt that NJMS was the worst out of all but got selected by that school As per her, she did very well on the other 3 interviews. At the end, all you need is one acceptance.

Thanks for great advice and insights in bs md forum

Good luck to future aspirants

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Posting for my daughter.

GPA: 4.0 (UW), 4.45 (W) at the time of application

Class Rank: don’t rank, but Counselor stated as #1 in rec letter; Class size 450+

ACT: 36
SAT: 1550

SAT Subject Tests”
Chemistry: 770
Math II: 800
Biology: 790

AP’s at time of application:

US History 5
Biology 4
Calc AB 5
World History 5
English Language and Comp 3
Chemistry 5
Statistics 5
Psychology 5
(did not send scores when applying)

APs Senior Year: Physics C-Mechanics, English Lit and Comp, French

Teacher/Counselor recs: very strong, mutual respect. Very strong counselor letter as very close relationship. Have known all people 3+ years very well.

State: MI
Gender: F
Ethnicity: Indian
Income: >150K
Hooks: None

-National Merit Semifinalist (won a scholarship)
-HOSA Regionals 1st place for epidemiology (11th)
-HOSA Regionals 3rd place for epidemiology (10th)
-AP Scholar with Distinction (11th)
-Michigan School Band and Orchestra Association: Rating 1 (highest) for violin solo and duet at Regional and State Level (9th, 10th)
-Honor Guard: 1 of 12 members chosen to represent my class (class of 2019) at 2018 Graduation

Major EC:
-President: National Honor Society
-President- HOSA
-Vice-President: French Club
-Treasurer: Indian American Student Association
-Girls Tennis (Varsity letter received)

Community Service:
-Volunteer at Elementary School, 7+ years
-Relay for Life team Captain
-Volunteer abroad over summer
-Organized Charity dodgeball tournament for school charity
-Organized a community Bone Marrow Drive
-weekly tutoring held at high school

Medically Related Activities:
Volunteer at local hospital (150 hours)
Shadowing a variety of physicians (100 hours)

Applied to following BS/MD Programs:
Northwestern HPME: Rejected Pre-Interview
Brown PLME: Rejected Pre-Interview
PennState/Jefferson: Interviewed- ACCEPTED
Upitt GAP: Rejected Pre-Interview
Casewestern: Rejected Pre-Interview
BU SMED: Interviewed- ACCEPTED
George Washington: Rejected Pre-Interview
RPI/AMC: Rejected Pre-Interview
WashU: Rejected Pre-Interview

Applied to following UG:
UMich (In-State) : ACCEPTED Ross School of Business
Yale: Rejected
Princeton: Deferred- Rejected

Decision: BU SMED
Scholarship: 20K/yr via National Merit Scholarship

Truthfully, I didn’t expect any interviews to be offered. I had no research experience which seemed to be a big part of these programs. Consequently, getting the interviews was a pleasant surprise. I think my essays were a key factor and my involvement within my community. Start early (a year or two) and make sure your stats are high as a base requirement. Thanks for the great advice and support from this forum. I was able to build up my application a lot with the help of users and past posts.

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Posting for my son

GPA: 4.0 (UW), 4.46 (W) at the time of application

Class Rank: top 1%

ACT: 35
SAT: 1550

SAT Subject Tests:
Math 2: 800
Chemistry 770
Biology 750


  • US History
  • Human Geography
  • Chemistry
  • English Language
  • English Literature
  • Psychology
  • Computer
  • Physics
  • Calculus
  • Biology

Teacher / Counselor Recs: Excellent I guess.

State: IL
Gender: M
Ethnicity: Asian Indian America
Income: >500k
Hooks: None


  • National Merit Finalist Scholar
  • Student of the Year, Freshman, Sophomore, Junior
  • AP Scholar with Distinction
  • ICTM Regional and State
    -WYSE Regional
  • Academic honors

Major ECs:

  • Medical and Humanitarian Mission to Bangladesh to help with Rohingya Refugees
  • Medical and Humanitarian Mission to Dominican Republic
  • Research for 2 yrs in Neurosciences Institute with 2 papers sent to National Meetings
  • Rubin’s Mini Medical School
  • NSCL Harvard Medical School
    -National Honor Society President
    -Worked with Refugee kids and taught them English and helped them with the culture shock.

Community Service:

  • 300+ community hours over 3.5yrs in various places.

Medically related activities:

  • Shadowing IM, Peads, Psychiatrist and Neurologist 120+ hours
    -Research for 2 yrs in Neurosciences Institute with 2 papers sent to National Meetings

Applied to the following BS/MD Programs:

  1. Boston Univ SMED - ACCEPTED with 20K Scholarship as NMF
  2. UMKC BA/MD – ACCEPTED no Scholarship
  3. Baylor2Baylor - ACCEPTED with complete UG Tuition Regent’s Gold Scholarship
  4. FAU SOM - ACCEPTED with complete UG Tuition Scholarship as NMF
  5. UIC-GPPA - ACCEPTED with 8K UG Tuition Scholarship
  6. Univ of Toledo Bac2 MD - ACCEPTED with complete UG Scholarship
  7. SLC Med Scholar - ACCETPTED with 25K Scholarship
  8. Rutgers/NJMS - ACCEPTED with complete UG Scholarship
  9. Univ of Cincinnati Dual Connection - Declined Interview
  10. Oklahoma Univ Humanities - Declined Interview
  11. UPitt SOM - rejected post- interview
  12. RPI/AMC PS - rejected pre-interview
  13. Penn State PMM - rejected pre-interview
  14. NU HPME - rejected pre-interview
  15. Brown PLME - rejected
  16. Rice/Baylor - rejected pre-interview.

DECISION: Boston Univ SMED with 20K scholarship

Reflection: It had been a roller coaster ride for both son and myself. A strong advice is the Juniors start working in your summer before Senior year on ESSAYS, it will take a toll on you.
As you apply you get some acceptance and some rejections its a part of the game.
You just need one acceptance and you are set so don’t loose hope with rejections. Also apply to 12-15 BSMD programs. We initially applied to around 8 and after being on CC we applied to more BSMD Programs.
Research, Medical Shadowing Physicians, Medical and Humanitarian Missions all helped son in getting multiple interviews.
He was asked in almost all interviews regarding his Medical and Humanitarian Missions. If you can go on a medical mission that will a plus.
We met lot of smart kids during the interviews and it was fun to go along with son on these interviews and meet faculty at different medical schools. It was an awesome experience
getting ready for my daughter who will be senior next year


Anyone joining Stony Brook BS/MD program this year (Fall 2019)?

Firstly, thank you for all the advice and help from the experts in the group.
Posting some details for my son, not elaborating some details for privacy reasons.

GPA: 3.8 (UW), 4.2 (W) at the time of application

SAT: 1560
Math 2: 760
Biology 790

AP’s : Computer Science, Biology, Chemistry, Psychology, Statistics

Teacher / Counselor Recommendations: Thinking they are very good

State: NJ
Gender: M
Ethnicity: Indian American
Income: >150k

Medical ECs:

  • Certified EMT
  • Worked on a Bioinformatics project at NIH
  • Summer research program where research results were published
  • Volunteered as an EMT at local First Aid and Rescue Squad since 10th grade (about 300 hours)
  • Volunteered in hospital answering patient calls (100 hours)
  • Volunteered at children’s specialized hospital
  • Shadowed at our family physician’s office

Applied to the following BS/MD Programs:

  1. TCNJ/NJMS – Rejected pre-interview
  2. NJIT/NJMS – Rejected (Undergrad interviewed and forwarded to NJMS, no interview from NJMS)
  3. Rutgers/NJMS – Rejected pre-interview
  4. Drexel – Rejected pre-interview
  5. Temple – Rejected pre-interview
  6. UConn SPIM - Interviewed, Accepted
  7. GW – Interviewed, waitlisted, Accepted
  8. Hofstra – Interviewed, Rejected
  9. Penn State – Rejected pre-interview
  10. Sienna/AMC – Rejected pre-interview

Decision: GW BA/MD Program

Initially we were very skeptical about my sons chances to get into these highly selective programs as his profile is not outstanding like other profiles we see on these threads. We think that his essays, EMT certification and his medical related volunteer hours might have helped him in getting these programs. Like others mentioned cast a wider net and atleast one interview call might get you there.

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A: 3.88(UW), 4.2(W) at time of applications

Class Rank: not applicable

ACT: 34

SAT Subject Tests:
Math 800
Physics 720
Bio 740

Teacher / Counselor Recs: I have not seen them, but I think they are probably very strong. I chose teachers that I felt were most impactful on me, and that I had the closest relationships with.

State: NY
Gender: F
Ethnicity: Asian
Income: > 250K
Hooks: none


  • National and regional science research and debate awards

Medically Related Activities (including community service):

  • Hospital Volunteering ( >100-120 hours I think at time of application)

- Nursing Home Volunteering

Applied to the following BS/MD programs:
RPI/AMC- accepted
Stony Brook- interviewed/waitlisted
SOPHIE DAVIS- interviewed/waitlisted
Temple- interviewed/ rejected
Penn Stare- rejected
Case Western-rejected

Applied to the following undergraduates:
Brown University-rejected
Tufts University-accepted
Duke University: rejected RD
Northwestern University: rejected RD

DECISION: RPI/AMC COZ it is accelerated, research focused and MCAT is out of the equation

@diaash Congrats!

Are you doing the 10 year BS/MD/PhD?

Just wanted to post this on the results thread:

GPA: 3.97 (UW), 4.63 (W)

Class Rank: Don’t have it at my school.

ACT: 34

SAT Subject Tests:

Bio: 750
Math 2: 740
US History: 720

AP/IBs (I was initially at an IB School, but had to transfer because my family moved states before my junior year):
IB HL Math 1, AP Calculus AB/BC, AP Comp Gov, AP Human Geography, AP U,S Government, AP Bio, AP Chem, AP Macroeconomics, AP World History, AP US History, AP English Literature, AP English Language

Teacher/Counselor Recs: Haven’t seen them, have no doubt they were very strong, even with my situation transferring in junior year because of how involved I got on campus.

Region: West Coast
Gender: M
Ethnicity: Asian
Income: A number

Non-medical ECs:

Student Council
Intern on a Gubernatorial Political Campaign
Model UN President
Mock Trial
History Club President
Board Member on the Family to Family Foundation
At-Large Delegate for my state to the World Food Prize

Medical ECs:

Had a lot of lab research as an intern at two separate accredited cancer research laboratories
Published an official scientific review paper
Shadowed with two physicians
Did a lot of volunteer work at a free clinic and at the VA

I applied to the following just mainstream undergraduates:

University of Arizona (my instate) - Accepted with Full Ride EA
University of Pennsylvania - waitlisted, still waiting to hear back RD
Harvard - rejected RD
Emory - waitlisted, waiting to hear back RD
Vanderbilt - Accepted RD
Carleton College - Accepted
Duke University - Rejected RD

I also applied to the following BS/MDs:

Penn State/Jefferson - rejected pre-interview
Brown PLME - rejected undergrad and for BS/MD
RPI/AMC - got interviewed, waitlisted, and in off of the waitlist
Case Western - rejected pre-interview
SUNY Purchase/Upstate Medical - interviewed and accepted
SLU Medical Scholars - In with a full ride
Augusta University Medical Program - accepted without an interview
George Washington - rejected pre-interview
Temple - Rejected pre-interview
TCNJ/NJMS - rejected pre-interview
Hofstra - rejected pre-interview
Oklahoma - rejected pre-interview
UMKC BA/MD - interviewed, waitlisted, waiting to hear back
Cal Northstate - accepted 2+4 (as if that were some kind of huge accomplishment)

Decision: RPI/AMC

So, this gets a little complicated. I really debated hard between Vanderbilt, Carleton, Purchase and SLU. I ended up committing to SLU, because I just genuinely didn’t like Purchase as an undergraduate institution. Augusta was never really an option for me because of the high MCAT requirement. I figured with the Presidential Scholarship at SLU, I was being considered one of the best students there so I could probably make it through that program. Vanderbilt gave me no aid and so I had to turn that down. Same issue with Carleton, plus both were traditional premedical programs and I would have preferred a BS/MD.

Boy, am I glad RPI came back an acceptance. I’m still waiting on a couple more things, but I’m definitely going to stick with this decision. 7 years is no joke and I enjoy the research focus of the program. Additionally, I’ve always been interested in politics, so I have extra time to pursue an MPH after I graduate. I’m really excited with this decision. I don’t see myself changing it at all, regardless of what comes off of the waitlist.

Advice for anyone out there in the future:

Just know that this process is not simple at all. I am going to the place that I am going now because I got off a waitlist and before that, I turned down a full-functioning guaranteed BS/MD program to go to SLU Medical Scholars, which is very much considered a downgrade. Maybe people would have laughed at me for doing so, but I did it because I did not get the right feeling from the undergraduate. The guarantee is huge and you should consider it, but you should also look for a good fit. Don’t take some terrible undergraduate that you don’t like just because there’s a guarantee. At the same time, know that if certain compromises have to be made for the guarantee, they are most likely worth it. Like, I never got into Temple, but I know I would have had to make a couple of compromises just because of the area, but I probably would have taken it with the options I had back then because of what the guarantee can offer. A counterexample would be Purchase. I diss Purchase a lot, but for some people it was a really good option and I know personally of someone who turned down the Rutgers program to go there. It’s all about what you are willing to give up in this process. Just know that the guarantee is big, but it is not everything and should not completely dictate your decision.

Also, a lot of you who get in will be faced with just general confusion around you from your classmates and friends about where you are going in the future. Maybe not so much on the East Coast, but at least on the West, not a lot of people know what RPI/AMC is and I find I’m having a hard time explaining it to people. You may also have to turn down much more prestigious undergraduate institutions to go to less prestigious ones, but at the end of the day, it is worth it. I have no doubt that the BS/MD track can work for you if you are honest with yourself about the type of undergraduate/graduate experience you want.

Finally, for all applicants who are wanting to get into a BS/MD program, just know that the most important thing for me I think and the eventual success that came with my application was that I may not have had the top, top scores, I had good ones, but not the best scores, but I showed interests in other things. I think that’s a really important and mostly underrated quality about your application. Show a genuine interest in something else outside of medicine and pursue it throughout high school in addition to your medical extracurriculars. For me that was politics, but for someone else, it could be psychology or a sport, or literature. It also can end up shaping your medical career because there are a lot of different ways and areas in which you can practice as well.

Just general program-specific advice:

  • Case is basically a throwaway application. Same with Brown. Don't put your hopes on it.
  • Don't put too much stock into the MCAT requirement stuff. You will definitely be able to achieve the minimum score, almost no one in those programs drops out for missing the MCAT score, they drop out for other reasons. Yeah, it's nice not to take the MCAT, but if you do really exceptionally well, you can always consider applying out to better medical schools, which is an opportunity non-MCATers won't have.
  • Cal Northstate is fake. Don't do it. It is way better to go in-state, yes, even if you live in California. It's just a straight joke. It's like committing to a downgrade. You will be at a disadvantage come residency time. Also, they will harass you to commit to their program. Don't do it. Just don't. Do you really want a diploma on your wall as a physician that says Cal Northstate? Just think about that.
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Did anyone hire a counselor for your BSMD applications? Do you have referral? Thanks!

It seems that Case Western is very difficult to get in. Most of applicants were rejected in this forum?

Do you mind sharing what all programs he applied to?


Hi everyone sorry I’m late
 the College Confidential thread helped me a lot throughout my application time as well as before I even started applying so I thought that this could be my way of kind of giving back and helping anyone else that needed it!

Weighted GPA : 4.66/5.0
Unweighted GPA: 3.93
Class rank: 30/858 (I go to a very competitive high school)
ACT: 34

State: TX
Gender: M
Ethnicity: Asian

AP classes (taking Government, Calculus and maybe Biology exams senior year):

Computer Science:4
US History: 4
Chemistry: 5
English Language & Composition: 4
Psychology: 5

Medical Exposure:

Built prototype of electrochemical sensor (under the guidance of a PhD in microbiology from MD Anderson as a mentor) that detects ethylene on tomatoes to determine signs of Botrytis cinerea (fungus) and presented it to an audience.
Shadowing experience of 250+ hours
Volunteered in senior nursing home for 100+ hours
Paid research internship in Baylor College of Medicine in microbiology (genetic variations in nematodes) 360+ hours


Playing violin in Varsity school orchestra (very competitive school orchestra program)
Participated in the local Youth Symphony for 4 years and advanced to 2nd highest level
Earned multiple superior medals in UIL Solo&Ensemble Contests

Black belt instructor at taekwondo academy
Won multiple silver and gold medals in sparring and forms at regional tournaments in taekwondo

Ran in 4 marathons and earned seeded qualifying time in half marathon
Ran in multiple runs earning 3rd in a 30K

Competed on my high school swim team (JV)

Initiated a Math and Science team and currently the head coordinator at a local elementary school

BS/MD Programs:

CWU PPSP- Rejected pre-interview
Union/AMC- Interviewed- rejected
Texas Tech BS/MD- Rejected pre-interview
University of Cincinnati/Cincinnati Medical School- Rejected pre-Interview
VCU GMed- Interviewed- Accepted
Case Western PPSP- Rejected pre-interview
NJMS 7-Year- Rejected pre-interview
Texas A&M PPC- Interviewed- Accepted
Hofstra University- Rejected pre-interview

Decision: Texas A&M PPC


The application process itself was crazy and definitely not what I was expecting, with so many supplementals and so much of waiting and preparing for interviews. I honestly believe that even getting one interview is a huge achievement as these programs are extremely competitive and the acceptance rate of applicants for even an interview is fairly low. I suggest preparing for interviews well in advance of your first interview invitation (I suggest all of winter break) and ALWAYS call rather than email the school if there are any problems with your application.

I ended up debating between the Texas A&M PPC and VCU GMed, where I chose PPC because of a couple of reasons. After talking to numerous physicians, I realized that the medical school you go to plays a minimal role when getting a good residency in comparison to the amount of work you put in. Someone from Duke med school with low Step scores will have a lower chance of getting in than someone from VCU Med school with higher Step scores. Because of this, I stopped worrying about the ranking of both medical schools and instead started focusing on what would give me the best chance of landing a stellar residency.
I realized that A&M’s medical school was one of the cheapest in the nation with a tuition of about 30K a year compared to VCU’s 90K as well as the fact that A&M Med school was only an hour and a half away from my family. VCU’s GMed program also lets you apply out to other medical schools while keeping the guaranteed admission to their medical school. This was very enticing; however, I realized that I would basically be doing a normal undergraduate at VCU in order to get into good medical schools as I would have to focus on academics and get back into the pre-med track that I had chosen to avoid by doing a BS/MD. Thus, in order to develop more holistically as a physician rather than go through a normal undergraduate from VCU as well as be close to my family during medical school and pay MUCH less in tuition, I chose the Texas A&M Partnership for Primary Care program. The program itself is reserved only for Texas residents and has an option for a 7-Year track. I highly suggest all Texas BS/MD applicants to apply to this program as many do not know about it since it’s not on any of the BS/MD program lists online.

Honestly, the biggest advice I can give is to stop worrying about the rankings of each and every medical school you apply to because it truly doesn’t make a difference. I compared residency match lists from A&M Med school (which was unranked) and schools in the top 50 and they had approximately the same number of students going into top 10 residency programs like Stanford and Johns Hopkins. It just shows that your hard work and intelligence is more important than the medical school you’re in so instead of focusing on the rankings, focus more on whether you would be able to shine and stand out in the medical school and whether you genuinely like the medical school as that is where the next 4 crucial years of your life will be! I am extremely excited to have gotten into a BS/MD that is so close to my family and has a medical school that makes my wallet happy. Gig’em Aggies!

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@RedRocketz Congratulations. You have lot of passion on varied areas. Best wishes at Texas A&M.
It may be useful for others to know if you have any specific reasons for applied only to the schools you listed and excluded certain schools.
Because it is interesting to note you have not applied to B/B or R/B as a TX resident, nor to OU or Tulsa which is border state nor to NU or BU when you did not have any constraint for distance when applied to Cincy and CWRU.

@bsmdchat20 I have a NIH internship next summer and was wondering if your son was able to get a publication from that program. Do most research internships under the NIH result in a publication, or was your son an exception?
I would very much appreciate this information, thank you very much!

Hi my son is thinking of applying to bs/md programs this year. Are there any six years programs?

@cresent Use the following thread for any future posts.

There are 2 6 year programs, UMKC and Howard.

How did you get an EMT certification, as aren’t you required to be over 18 for that?

@mintystressed its 16 for an EMT-B in NJ