BSMD/BSDO Applicants Undergrad and Medical School experiences

Sophomore year ended for DS and he avoided sophomore slump. He is doing 10 week research abroad during summer. Two more semesters and MCAT to go for application cycle :slight_smile:

DD finished sophomore year with 4.0 GPA while taking 18 credits (all 5 science courses) during Spring semester. She plans to do research during summer and is planning to take MCAT next year after Fall semester.

DD graduated 2 days back from OU. Though she is so thankful and enjoyed thoroughly OU, decided to join UTSW for MD. She also got admitted for MPH (during the same 4 years) and will try if not too stressful. Was humbled when both Honors college Dean and OU MHSP Director, praised so much about her when I met them briefly during graduating Honors students reception. Director felt sad that she is not joining OU SOM.

Last summer she went to Peru for OU Journey program and did 6 credits of courses and also fun at Machu Picchu / Amazon rain forest. She got few awards and recognition at University, Honors College and History department.

In hindsight we were lucky since we did not have any clue or knowledge when she decided to go to OU 3 years back.

@GoldenRock - Your DD probably had the best outcome of all the students who went thru BSMD process. Kudos to her and you. My spouse did research for few months at UTSW long time back.

@grtd2010 -Great job by your DD. Why did she take 5 science classes in one semester? What courses are those?

DD finished year 1 at BU with 3.8 GPA.

@bsmd1826 - Great GPA. She is in SMED right?

That’s a great start for a BU SMED! Generally 1st year is the defacto toughest year for them. I am sure she, and you all as a family are happy with the BU SMED choice she made last year around this time over many other compelling ones including Stanford!

@GoldenRock that is a great update, your DD deserves it. Finally whole hoopla is over and now in medical school should be easy sailing relatively. If feel comfortable, can you share her GPA and MCAT score+experience that may help other parents and kids on similar path.
@srk2017 wow one more year before MCAT.
@grtd2010 that is wonderful with that kind of workload. Can you elaborate rational behind MCAT after fall semester next year (I assume she is junior year then)?
@bsmd1826 that is a very good start for BU-SMED as GPA requirement is far below than your DD achieved.

@PPofEngrDr - DS is planning to take MCAT in January, so 6 months and applications open one year from now.
I believe @grtd2010 daughter is Temple BS/MD program so she can take MCAT in fall of senior year.
As per BU, I am not sure if GPA makes any difference once you get above the required minimum GPA and I thought getting very high GPA make some wonder if they should have tried traditional path. @bsmd1826 - What’s your take on that?

In every batch, every year, there are multiple SMED kids attaining 3.9+ gpa in a tough school like BU and 520+ in MCAT after the 2nd year, with the little 2 months or so and not serious preparation they do. They are all very smart kids!
No point rationalizing whether or not they should have gone this path or traditional route. They all chose the program because they liked it and BU and the med school and the city and will be happy to continue no matter how stellar their credentials may have been.

I know they are all smart kids, and very few fail to succeed. My argument is GPA and MCAT scores won’t make much difference (beyond the requirement) if you are in a BS/MD program. The reason most chose to do BS/MD is worry less about GPA and MCAT and focus on other enrichment opportunities. GPA and MCAT won’t carry into medical school but any research and volunteer experiences do.

@srk2017 @PPofEngrDr DD took two electives BioStatistics and System Neuroscience and three required science courses for two majors. She will take General Biochemistry I (as an elective) in Fall next year. MCAT is planned soon after Biochemistry class. It will be 3rd year starting next Fall. She is taking 4 science classes in Fall next year due to additional CS major.

@grtd2010 - That’s a lot. what will be her majors? Does she have any plans to apply out?

Love reading all of these! Son is not BS/MD but BS/DVM (they just call it early admit but same general idea). His gf is premed going traditional route. So he faces some of the same benefits/challenges and I enjoy reading about them. He has biochemistry, anatomy and physiology and nutrition next semester. Just finished (well in 2 days) genetics and ochem. Hope all the BS/MD kiddos do well!

@srk2017 @PPofEngrDr I meant Fall 2019 as Fall next year( Junior year). Her intended majors are Neuroscience(Cellular and Molecular Biology) and Computer Science. She could graduate in 3 years with a Biology major She has 4 year of tuition scholarship for UG.

@grtd2010 that sounds great, you have a hybrid of my kids, elder in CS major (started internship at Northrop Grumman this week) and younger in Neuroscience major - Spanish minor. :smile:

@momocarly - Welcome to the group and thanks for sharing info about your son and his GF. My son declined BS/MD and going thru traditional path.

@grtd2010 Is she planning to continue in Temple for MD?

@srk2017 and @rk2017 yes She is in SMED and very happy. She certainly is hoping year 2 is easier and yes she is glad she made the BU SMED choice. That was her #1 choice and the debate/comparison with her other college acceptances did not last long.