BSMD/BSDO Applicants Undergrad and Medical School experiences

@bsmd1826 - Glad to know that she is fully enjoying BU. What activities is she involved?

@srk2017 she is mainly involved in a dance club

@bsmd1826 - No need to do research or volunteering in first year?

My DD finished up her second year in Pitt GAP. Had all “A” , what a release …
She is taking biochem first part of this summer, TA for Organic chem 2 and research 10 hours per week. It will be a busy summer for her.
She is working toward her plan: One more year, by end of junior, as long as she maintains 3.75 gpa,and fulfill all the volunteer/shadows/research hours, She will officially confirm into Medical school.
She is going to study board senior year fall semester, graduate half year early, then do backpacking travel for three months before medical school starts.
No worry about MCAT , I guess, it is benefit of in BS/MD program .

@srk2017 Not during school year. She is doing research and taking classes during the summer now.

@caballeo Your DD is doing fantastic and that is great plan to wind down before getting in to the grind! Even if she has to take MCAT, she would have aced! Looks already she has taken OChem and some other science courses and have As. She will maintain 3.75 and above. Don’t worry.

My DD also told the same, want to chill the last semester before starting the grind. So she did 15 credits only and all non-science courses and involved in all activities except academic / research related and had full fun in the last semester.

@GoldenRock , thanks ?

@caballero - Great update. Great that she can graduate one semester early and relax before heading back to medical school Did she get full-tuition scholarship for UG?

@srk2017 , thanks , she only got 20k per year. But better than nothing ?.

@caballero - In 2017, PITT changed their merit awards, started spreading the wealth! I heard before pretty much all GAP admits got full tuition or ride,

@srk2017 ,
It’s a pity that we didn’t catch the last bus.

@caballero - Hopefully she will recover that somewhere else :smile:

@caballero one more success story and its a solid plan. Worst is behind her at this point and enjoy the smooth sailing.

@PPofEngrDr ,
I hope that the future will be smooth sailing too. Am I asking too much ??

@caballero ofc not, take it like a football game, one quarter at a time. UG, SOM, Residency… :smile:

@PPofEngrDr 3.98 - 1 B (89%) and rest A. 520.

@GoldenRock - No + and - grades at OU?

@srk2017 yes

@GoldenRock that is an accomplishment. Thanks for sharing.


Not sure if you considered, but don’t you think with the kind of recognition she has had at OU, perhaps it would have been easier to get into residency or fellowship of her choice had she continued there instead of starting from scratch at a new place?