BSMD/BSDO Applicants Undergrad and Medical School experiences

Been off CC for a long time, younger DC off to college next month to major in CS at UMD.

Older DC completed “BS” portion of BSMD at RPI, now off to begin Albany Medical College commencing with white coat ceremony in a couple of weeks. Overall would not have changed the experience one bit. RPI was as expected academically challenging due to their grading policy but made it thru with flying colors with only a reasonable amount of stress. DC found 1st year reasonably difficult mostly because of the adjustment to living away from home (more social adjustment as opposed to academic), 2nd year was the most academically challenging because of the rigorous coursework, and 3rd year was a breeze. Knowing that a spot was waiting at AMC was also very reassuring. AMC also does a good job in 3rd year of slowly assimilating the student from undergrad into med portion of the program.

I am sure as with everyone else on this board we saw tremendous growth and maturation in DC over the last 3 years. Now the real fun begins!

Thanks for sharing. Good luck to both your children as they enter new phase of their studies. Curious to know how your daughter chose to spend the last few months heading into medical school.
Was she required to finish any research stints as part of the requirement of the program? Or took up any paid internship? Or just chose to take a break before entering the next phase of the grind? Study abroad or anything else? Thanks again!

Only took a couple of weeks off after finishing final semester at RPI, afterwich has spent the remainder of the time finishing off research stint (at least for this year). All of the program students are required to put it 8 weeks (paid) of research time during the summer following the 3rd year at RPI.

Since RPI/AMC program is heavily research based, it is a mandatory requirement that each of the BSMD students finds a research mentor, perform research and eventually present and defend results during the AMC years. Most students in the program find a research mentor at the end of the 1st year or during their 2nd year of study at RPI.

Though RPI does have a fine study abroad program, because the BSMD students are already in a accelerated program they are not allowed to participate.

The research mentors are usually from RPI or AMC? Or can be a combination?

Usually at AMC.

this was very swift action from mods.

Glad to see great updates. I was travelling and finally due to jet lag found some time to read CC threads. DS finished 10 week research internship at an European university thanks to a foundation scholarship. Now he has wet lab experience also (in addition to clinical research and computational research). He travelled through out the Europe during the weekends and we joined him for 10 days at the end. He is home and heading back to school in 2 weeks. Fall schedule is not yet confirmed due to waitlists for couple of classes.

As a reference for those who are considering the traditional route here is something that was published by AMC after the white coat ceremony this week:

“The incoming class of 145 students (for the class of 2023) was drawn from more than 9,000 applicants, and represents 22 states, including 38 students from New York. The students range in age from 20-30.
33 of the new students graduated from one of Albany Medical College’s joint degree programs at Siena College, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and Union College.”

Unfortunately I don’t have stats on how many students were offered admission other than the 112 non BSMD students who decided to enroll.

I believe RPI and Union take 15 each and Siena takes 6, so that should be 36 unless 4 years back one or two schools didn’t take full strength. So 3 may have changed their mind or didn’t meet requirements?

Thank you for the useful information. I sent you a PM.


I cannot speak for the Union or Sienna, but 3 years ago in 2016…13 students enrolled at RPI and 9 matriculated to AMC this week. The difference happened because of the reasons you mentioned.

sorry meant to say 10 matriculated in the last post

@srk2017 There are 13 students who matriculated from Union out of the 14 that started back in 2015. I know that the one student that did not matriculate had to leave the program because of GPA issues, but they are now going to law school and were still able to get their MBA in Healthcare Management.

D just got the scores from last month MCAT given at end of sophomore year. Too bad she isn’t joining the >= 520 batch of her dudes in the program ! Missed it by a whisker, 519 (97% ile vs. the program req. of 80). Obviously got to pay :slight_smile: for the careless I don’t care attitude (self prepared only for 6 weeks, following a mandatory course on campus for summer I, research in summer II and just 3 full length practice tests and study materials given from previous batch students). Surprisingly got full on psychology and behavioral section which is her weakest area by her own assessment :slight_smile:

Congratulations to your D @rk2017. GPA and MCAT scores above the requirements won’t make any difference so don’t show your disappointment to her :wink: Given her GPA and MCAT do you still think BS/MD was the right choice?

@rk2017 that is a very good score. Congrats to her. Is she still planning to stay in program or explore opportunities to her potential?

The better option at this stage is to be easy on the gas! Just let them drive, even if drifting across lanes. Alert only when they drive in the opposite lane.

Thank you @srk2017, @PPofEngrDr, @GoldenRock for the wishes and advice.

I did ask her on chat if she intends to go alternate route and her exact words - No, lol !

I still asked her to consider but we understand the reasons for that initial reaction

  • she liked the city, university and the program so much from the day we visited towards end of junior year high school for college visit.
  • she loved the liberal arts curriculum and had opportunity to explore various subjects before deciding on a minor
  • she bonded well with other highly talented kids in the program, (some of them more disciplined and focused*) and wants to continue to be with them another 5 years. Hopefully she will pick up some of their good qualities :-)
  • she is not all that bent over the prestige of brand names and believes the med school there is a pretty good one.

From the parents perspective we were a little disappointed that she wasn’t given any price breaks for undergrad despite her chart and curve breaking grades in freshman and sophomore years there even as not so comparable kids in that program had NMS and presidential awards from day one entering into the school/program. But finances were/are not a big part of the equation any time. Even if we saved a bunch it has to be only passed on as inheritance and she doesn’t want any.

Anyway asked her to think over and will share if any change of course but highly doubt it though.

  • Lately have been noticing a relaxed attitude, started skipping classes even like ones of Orgo 2 and not putting in full efforts. Consequently the gpa dipped a little, mid 3.8s overall, still quite good in a grade deflated school of theirs, and 3.9 science.

@rk2017 - Yes, Boston is a good city to go to college and BU is a good program. As I said before our only child thought it’s too expensive and he would rather keep that money and have it accumulate and he wants to have 4 years of UG experience :smile: Different though process for different kids.

Does BU allow them to apply out without loosing their slot? Does NJMS allows applying out? I know one girl who got 523 (tested in July) .
As I said GPA dip is totally fine and since she is an excellent test taker, she will do fine with USMLE. Also, does BU med school have grades or pure P/F system?

Yes applying out is allowed out in both those programs but guarantee will be withdrawn and the slot given to a traditional route applicant.

I think it is P/F for first two years at med school.

Thanks and I expect her to be serious though when it comes to USMLE, unlike now :slight_smile: