BSMD/BSDO Applicants Undergrad and Medical School experiences

having to withdraw to applying out is a bummer.

As per USMLE, if she is not chasing prestige or highly competitive specialities she don’t need 240+ USMLE scores.

@seapdx2002, Sorry, I have been very busy and have not logged in for a while. I just saw your question.
I think that as long as you plan a balanced curriculum every year, and, of course, study is a key. do not wait until the day before exam.
The first year was an adjustment from high school, but has been smoother since then.


well its another quarter/semester is over.
DS at NU is standing at 3.96 overall, 3.92 BCPM after 4 quarters. Dodged Orgo-1 midterm rough patch. He traveled to Uganda over summer for 10 weeks study/service abroad and earned academic credit. Changed research field this year with Hematology/Oncology lab, may do hospital volunteer and potentially shadowing in 1st half of 20, while continuing Orgo journey, summer plan is still up in the air (pre-med internship?).

@PPofEngrDr - Glad to hear that your DS is doing great in traditional path. Not sure doing internship helps over continuing the current research.

DS had another perfect semester at Vandy. One more semester to go for application cycle. He is using winter break for MCAT prep and he is planning to take in January. Hasn’t taken any practice tests yet. His research is behind schedule since his PI keeps adding more scenarios (computational research) and hoping to finish by end of spring semester. He is done with shadowing (did bunch of specialists and primary care), continuing both clinical and non-clinical volunteering.

@srk2017 finally getting there. Your son’s ivy caliber route choice is coming home to roost. :blush:

@PPofEngrDr - Too early to say that. As you know admissions are unpredictable and also he hasn’t taken MCAT yet.

My DS completed his first semester at BU SMED program, he really likes the program and is very happy.

@sajju786 - Great to hear back from you and glad your DS is enjoying it. As I said before it’s a good program (and you are willing to spend).

Thanks srk2017, yes he is enjoying and doing very good in the program.
Chemistry was tough first semester but he did excel it.


I thought everyone feels physics as the toughest?
Perhaps they had a different Prof compared to the previous batches?


They have excellent physics teacher and my son likes him a lot.

Yeah, right. Stanford alumnus. But also has reputation of talking over the students’ heads most of the time.
Child got As in both his courses.

Speaking of As, loosing A vir… is a big trend on SDN.

for premed classes, weed out classes grading is tough and As depend on how much they curve and you have to be careful with which professor you chose (if you have a choice) . DS wasn’t able to get the professors he wanted couples of times but he survived (A is survival for traditional path :smile: )

I see lots of kids have taken mcat any tips or what class /book to use to prep mcat. Thank you

@“Right decision”

  • If you are asking specifically for the kids in BS/MD programs, don't worry. The MCAT score requirements are usually pretty modest. Most of the kids study on their own and easily attain the target in one attempt. Child did not spend anything on preparation or materials, just got a year old used Kaplan books almost for free from the earlier batch, prepared for 6 weeks, had minimal practice tests and took the MCAT without any stress and got 17% ile points above their program requirement in 1st attempt.
  • If you are asking about traditional route, you don't need to worry either. It's a different approach altogether and I am sure kids will figure out on their own by talking to their peers, seniors and advisors and come up with whichever strategies that work for them, in course of time.

@rk2017 - @Right decision child is traditional path.

Thank you @rk2017 and @srk2017 .