BSMD/BSDO Applicants Undergrad and Medical School experiences


Joining this thread after an informative journey in other BSMD threads.
Good to see many of the “known” folks are here as well.

DD accepted Northwestern HPME.

I have posted our BSMD stats and thought in the 2018 BSMD results thread.

We are waiting for September when the journey starts.

DD finished the first year at Temple with 4.0 GPA and is starting MCAT preparation with Khan Academy materials. Next year taking organic chemistry (2 semesters), biochemistry(1 semester), physics(2 semesters), genetics, cell function and molecular biology.

Congratulations @grtd2010 for 4.0. My DS is also taking organic chem and physics next year.

Our son has completed 1st year at AMC after completing 3 years at RPI with 3.93 while participating as a student athlete. Getting honors at AMC is difficult due to the fact that everyone does well, and it is difficult to separate from the mean.

@upstream - thanks for the uodate. That’s a great GPA.

Time for 1st quarter/semester results. Glad to report that my son, in Northwestern Weinberg, achieved 3.86 GPA in 1st quarter.
He took following classes.
CHEM 151, Accelerated Gen Chem 1
CHEM 161, Accelerated Gen Chem Lab 1
MATH 230, Differential Cal Multivariable
PSYCH 101, First-Year Seminar
SPANISH 125, Accelerated Intermed Spanish.

While doing 10 hours/week volunteer research assistant at Feinberg School of Medicine behavioral medicine lab.

@PPofEngrDr - Good job by your son


DD completed first quarter at NU HPME.
Did well and survived first of three quarters of Orgo. For my personal reasons, not sharing her GPA till end of the year.

HPME seems focused on academics.

From my experience, NU’s “fun” activities are about ~ 20-25% of PennState, UPitt, Temple, UMichigan & William & Mary.

Plus NU follows 10-week quarter system with 2 to 3 “mid-terms” which means most HPME kids are studying to maintain their high GPA requirements.

Most courses have curved scoring, like in many colleges.
In one Orgo class mid-term, median scores were 66% and B- cut off was around 78% and <10% students had >78%. Typical weed-out course. Note - students need >3.5 GPA in sciences and > 3.65 overall I.e. > A- grade.

Plus NU has distribution requirements which can make students take “stupid” courses just to meet their course distribution requirements. Eg History of Religion course.
This is part I, as parent, that I do not like.
I am paying for classes that has NO value to the growth of the student. I would rather substitute such class with a class that a student would like but I guess NU folks think such classes are needed.

DD missed the research boat this quarter but may explore in summer.

@NoviceDad - Glad to hear your DD did well first quarter which is always the difficult one. Did she take credit for general chem. My son decided not to take any credits for general sciences and took both bio and chem in first year and taking Orgo this year.

Yeah, lot of schools have liberal arts requirements except for engineering.

@NoviceDad seems both our kids have a rough start in adjusting NU quarter system.
Guess Chem is issue for everyone, He was doing so bad for gen Chem, unless he had pull through 95% in final he was definitely B and under. In my view, he caught off guard with Quarter system jump speed start and by the time you get to your sense, already few midterms blew up. Hopefully our kids do better in coming quarters.
Also surprised to learn that some classes won’t even define cutoff criteria for grading.

NU essentially forced her to Orgo.
One other part of NU is that your need to take assessment exams. My D had done well in those tests.
So, they refused to offer her any gen chem courses.

@ DD finished Fall Semester with 4.0 GPA and survived Organic Chemistry. She has completed her general education requirements. She has been doing research at the Institute for Genomics. She enjoys taking classes in Sociology, Psychology, World Music, World Religions, Philosophy(Ethics). She will be a CA (conducting a recitation session) in the coming semester.

I enjoyed the distribution requirement courses during my time in HPME. The religion, philosophy, econ, sociology, and art history classes greatly contributed to my growth as a physician.

@RefreshingGel _ I agree, future physicians need some liberal arts classes also. At Vandy arts and science majors are required to do certain number of courses.

Don’t know why but I felt for some reason today that it would be a good time to talk about my first two years at Union/AMC.

I learned a lot my first term at Union, especially how I was going to have to manage my time a lot better. I am not ashamed to say that I made some bad class choices and combined with some poor choices by me, I actually ended up with a 3.3 GPA Overall. That instantly put me on probation, and I was told I had to raise my GPA to a 3.5 by the end of Spring Term. With a new mindset, and some easier courses, over the next two terms I was able to pull myself up to a 3.8 GPA. During this time I also started taking courses for my second major (History). I cannot state how much I appreciate the opportunity to pursue a double major as part of the program, as History has always been a great passion of mine. I took the summer of First-year to do a research internship and get some volunteer hours in, but I was still able to enjoy my break.

My second year at Union was actually harder than the first in terms of courses, thanks to Orgo. I actually started off the year pretty poorly as Orgo was kicking my butt pretty bad. I actually ended up failing the final pretty badly which brought my grade down to a B-. I did not let that discourage me though and found Orgo 2 way easier and was able to pull an A. This is also the year that we really started our MBA courses and I found that I really liked the Healthcare Management stuff we were learning. I was also given the opportunity to present along with my group a public health research project that we did for a class at grand rounds at a few local hospitals. My perseverance and ability to manage all of my different activities over this year is something I am pretty proud of. The summer of this year was spent on term abroad, as it is a requirement, and I had a blast traveling to Canada, the UK, and the Netherlands and learning about their different healthcare systems.

I’ve already finished first term of Junior year and I have to say I feel pretty comfortable with my standing in the program as my Overall GPA is a 3.8 and my math and science GPA is a 3.75. I’ve also done a lot of extracurricular hours, and will continue to do them to ensure I get my place at AMC.

Looking back on my journey so far, I have to say that it has had a lot of ups and downs but I never felt like I was drowning. Overall I would say that I made the right choice in choosing this program, as it has given me the chance to study my passion (History) and has led me to discover my passion for Healthcare Management.

Here is an update from my DD’s Pitt GAP program:
Time flies so fast, I can’t believe it is almost halfway through of the UNDER. In her first part of the sophomore year, her courses burden were as difficult as anyone else. This also made her very nervous at first, but because of this tension, she was more focused on her studies. She often stays in the library until 2 am or 3 am. It’s hard.
She picked one of the most reputations but very difficult OrgChem I professor, her own reason is that professor teaching solid knowledge so she can have a good foundation for the later upper courses. Her GPA has been good so far. She said she is working hard to achieve grades now, in case harder course pull her grade down later. (Requires 3.75 to stay in the program). I am not sure about other universities, but Pitt’s B+ is 3.25, not 3.5?

In addition to her academic schedule, she worked 8 hours a week as a research assistant, conducting a neurological study of the placebo effect on depression mechanisms. This study also added 2 credits in her science.

She also needs to complete the doctor’s shadow every quarter for several hours. In addition, she leads the Bible study and teaches her children every Sunday school.

Her school started 1/7/19, and her workload has heavier, such as OrgChem2, Lab, BioChem, etc… And continue her research and rotate with different specialist doctor’s shadow and church activities/hanging out with friends. Her goal is to complete in 3 and half years and then focus more research for the last half year.
Many times, I asked her if she made the right decision. Her answer always “yes”… As a parent, I can only continue to support her to ensure her exercise, healthy eating, safety, etc… .

teaches her children every Sunday school.- CORRECTION: Teaching children Sunday school.:), she is too young to have a child.

Great update @Undecided3494.

My DS’s 3rd semester went very both with all As and good progress with research and ECs.I can’t believe we are already at halfway point for med school admissions cycle!