BU Class registration

<p>How does signing up for classes work for freshman?</p>

<p>You sign up at your orientation. There is designated time where you go to a computer lab with advisors and they explain the requirements to you and suggest some things to sign up. Then you go on the student link and register. </p>

<p>If you don’t want to take a course anymore or want to change, you can add/drop them through the rest of the summer.</p>

<p>So if you go to the earliest orientation, you get first choice?</p>

<p>I guess so tiger.
When Orientation will start by the way?</p>

<p>june 6-8 is first orientation</p>

<p>OMG what if i can’t go there in june6? does it mean that some courses i prefer may full when i go there on august?</p>

<p>BU will allocate a proportion of seats in courses for each orientation program. Going to a later session will not lessen your chances of getting into courses.</p>

<p>As long as you’re not going to one the last orientations you will most likely get your first choice classes</p>

<p>^^not true at all, some courses do fill up (writing 100, mandatory for CAS, taken by most freshmen right off the bat. the worst topics are left to the last orientation. i know people who put off writing because of this for a year, though nbd).</p>

<p>Yeah, I ended up taking a writing seminar on Shakespeare because most of the cool ones were full by July. I ended up loving the class, but some courses will be full if you have a later orientation.</p>