<p>I’ve been pretty confused about when people normally sign up for classes. I know there’s the whole BC UIS thing, but my friends at other college have been signing up for most of their classes at orientation. Is this the case with Boston? Because I’m going to the last orientation, a few short days before the semester starts. I’m wondering if I’ll find myself at a disadvantage, or whether I have to register online.
Also, is there a list of classes I have to sign up for? I’m in CSOM, although I heard that class requirements are about the same for all freshman.</p>
<p>Thanks in advance</p>
<p>We sign up for classes during orientation but we are also supposed to fill out the workbook that we received in the mail, if you didn’t get one/lost it you can download one through your agora portal. Also, I had the same worry and when I talked to someone in admissions they assured me that no one is at a disadvantage, I’m not sure how exactly that works but I guess they do it this way every year so it’s not worth changing your orientation date. I hope this helps!</p>
<p>You fill out classes during Orientation. They reserve class spots for each of the seven orientations, so you won’t be at a disadvantage if you go to the 7th orientation. </p>
<p>You should receive a course catalog soon, but if not you have 2 options:
- Go to Portal.bc.edu, sign in, and go to “My Services” tab, “Course Information and Schedule”. You’ll be able to search by subject.
- You’ll be able to get advice from your Orientation Leader before you register, and faculty advisors are also available. </p>
<p>Check out bc.edu to find out what CSOM classes people take as freshmen. Best of luck =)</p>