BU Kilachand Common App

My question isn’t that profound, I was just wondering where on the Common App one would express their interest in Kilachand honors college, since I’ve went over the BU supplement about three times now and still can’t find the opt-in spot. Do you have to submit the BU application before you can express interest (kind of like WashU’s merit scholarships)? Thanks!

According to their website, there is a specific question on the common app that allows you to opt-in before submitting your application. Check one last time and call/email (maybe with a screenshot) admissions if you still can’t find it.


Its one of the questions - not a supplement.

@suzyQ7 The thing is I can’t find the question that @sophie9999 mentioned. I assumed it would be under Academics (in the BU supplement, but just a question like you were saying), but it is not there. This is kind of turning into Where’s Waldo.

Complete the General Section, then enter your intended college and major. You should then see a couple questions down a question asking if you would like to apply to Kilachand.

^Yeah, sometimes certain fields on the common app only become available after you have filled out other fields.

^^Yeah, and it should allow you to then write the essay you have to complete