Budapest vs. Prague

<p>I am currently looking into two liberal arts programs in major Eastern European cities, one in Budapest, Hungary and the other in Prague, Czech Republic. </p>

<p>Some of my concerns: Budapest will have a stronger academic program (graduate-level classes) but that could potentially be difficult to manage while abroad though it excites me more than it scares me off; the city has fewer tourists; the program is very small (~10 people) which might be isolating, though I would be taking classes mainly with students outside of the program, so there will be chances to meet others ... Prague's program will be closer to 200 people, but the city is more tourist-driven. Prices for both are very doable.</p>

<p>If anyone has any insight into/experience with either or both of these cities, please share any information you think might be useful!</p>

<p>*** Central European cities</p>

<p>I haven’t been to Prague for years, but I get to Budapest frequently on business and I’ve lectured there at Corvinus. It’s beautiful city and relatively inexpensive. Hungarian is very hard to learn, but most people speak English.</p>

<p>Prague is absolutely beautiful city.</p>

<p>You cannot go wrong in either city. I’ve been to both and absolutely love both.</p>

<p>I prefer Budapest. I was in both about five years ago and can tell you that the huge amount of tourists in Prague just drove me crazy. Also, the food is much better and cheaper in Budapest. Everything was cheaper in Budapest. And it felt more like a real urban center than the fairy tale city of Prague. Prague is beautiful. So beautiful that it doesn’t seem real. But because it was so overrun with tourists, I couldn’t really get a feel for it. </p>