Burning Out Junior Year- help me!!

<p>Supposedly most important year of ones life, junior year is basically acknowledged to be a time when high achievement is essential. So what the hell is wrong with me? I'm becoming really sluggish, I have B's (or lower) in everything, and I can't concentrate or study because of how tired I am. It's a vicious cycle- I need help!! What's your advice for pulling my grades up/ getting my life back together?</p>

<p>i went through what you’re going through junior year…including many nervous breakdowns that did not help the situation and made me miss some days of school.</p>

<p>so. to cope. here’s what i did.</p>

<p>i did take a day off when i felt overwhelmed. my parents were not fans of it, but they knew i was under too much pressure.</p>

<p>take some time for YOU. and i don’t mean lying around watching tv. do something fun like go to a museum or go shopping. HANG OUT WITH YOUR FRIENDS</p>

<p>you also should try to get your energy level up, which is the hardest part. this takes time but is well worth it in the long run. start exercising regularly…walk on a treadmill or outside…then progress to runs. get a lot of sleep if possible-this is probably the most important. finally, eat right. stay away from junk food. eat three solid meals a day. and don’t skip breakfast b/c it is the most important!</p>

<p>just relax and try to enjoy your high school years! don’t let the pressure get to you so much!</p>

<p>i was like that freshman year and its starting up again this year (junior year). ^ good advice up there, but also try to get yourself in order. try writing out what you actually have to do so you dont forget anything and plan your time accordingly.</p>

<p>that’s right. each week is a new start. prioritize. i went through a horrible case of this in sophomore year. it could be that your courses aren’t inspiring enough, or interesting enough for you to put in the effort. remove anything from your room that’s distracting, ask your parents or someone to procter your hw time if you need. and make sure you get enough sleep, that’s ESSENTIAL. it clears your head and helps you concentrate/memorize better. and eat well, too! stay healthy, try and be active. usually i’m sluggish when i have too little to do, or nothing seems exciting anymore. if that’s the case, take up some extracurricular that’s fun and energizing. try energy bars, too, lol.</p>

<p>yea. burn out.</p>

<p>Junior Year was especially hard on me too. Don’t get discouraged, and try not to procrastinate, stay on top of things, and if possible REMAIN AHEAD of your classes. The free time you have, try to do some extra studying, etc. It does help, although it kinda does mean you’ll have no life, but itll be worth it =D</p>

<p>yeah, i had no life in junior year. I can prolly count how many times I went out.</p>

<p>Senior YEAR ROCKS!</p>

<p>That must be tough, but there are definitely some things you can do to get yourself up and running again. For one thing, make sure that you’re getting enough sleep. If it’s difficult during the week, at least try to get decent hours in on the weekend, even if it means eating dinner an hour earlier or something. Another thing: make sure you’re eating a good breakfast, preferably consisting of some complex carbohydrates, protein, and a fruit. For instance, I like to have two pieces of whole wheat toast, 3 eggs, and an apple. I eat a lot as it is because I work out twice a day. That leads to my next point. EXERCISE. Some people are not morning people, and I completely understand that. However, I find that going for a run in the morning gets me energized and ready to concentrate in school, even if I’m tired from the night before. Plus, exercising releases endorphins which will help you to relax if you’re feeling stressed the day of a test or exam.
While performing well in school is certainly important, don’t undermine the prospect of having some time to do something enjoyable. Give yourself ample time on the weekends to do something with friends and just get out of the house. See a movie, go to dinner, go shopping, etc. It’s important for you to have time to enjoy yourself. It will make the time that you have to spend studying much less difficult. I hope this helps you some. Junior year is tough, and everyone can recognize that. Try and keep your head up, because senior year is not far away!</p>