Business fraternity

<p>Does anyone have any experience with the business fraternities? Just curious, since d is interested.</p>

<p>Funny you ask this, because my freshman D came home over the Labor Day break and told me that she was asked about being in a Fraternity (pretty sure she said Business Fraternity) – </p>

<p>I just gave HER a strange look – </p>

<p>Guess I better find out more</p>

<p>I believe it’s here:[Alpha</a> Kappa Psi Professional Business Fraternity - Home](<a href=“http://akpsi.■■■■■■■■■■/]Alpha”>http://akpsi.■■■■■■■■■■/)</p>

<p>My son is a member of Alpha Kappa Psi at UA. He pledged as a freshman and found it to be very beneficial last year. (He didn’t pledge a social fraternity last year as a freshman and this gave him a group to tailgate with…they also have a section in The block seating at football games.)</p>

<p>Some of the things I remember him telling me is they go through an interview process, dress professionally for meetings/events (coat and tie…with tips on professional dress) and they also have social events. I also believe they perform several service projects. They had several guest speakers from the community at their meetings.</p>

<p>There are both Greek and non-Greek members and the brothers are both male and female.</p>

<p>I am an Alumni member of Alpha Kappa Psi. It was a great experience and helped prepare me for the business world. We have various presentations from individuals from the business world on interviewing, dress for success and even business dining etiquette. It was also a great source of social interaction. We had many social functions (and a few parties). I knew my fellow “brothers” had my back.</p>

<p>Thank you , everyone! I know it’s a rush/interview/bid process, does anyone know how selective it is, or have a rough idea of how many people are extended bids v. how many people are interested.?</p>

<p>I guess our kids might have missed this…I read on their page that they were to give out information on Get On Board day which was originally scheduled in August. The rush and bidding process is now over. I am wondering if they revised this since GOB day was changed or if they will have another rush in January. Anyone know?</p>