Business Intelligence Analyst career path

I’m an adult first year undergraduate student. I’m very interested in pursuing a career as a BIA. I’m pursuing my bachelor’s degree online stating in the Fall of 2024 and was admitted to two really great schools.

Georgetown University School for Professional Studies for the BALS with a concentration in International Relations. I plan on pursuing a master’s in applied Intelligence with a Business continuity through Georgetown SCS.

I was also admitted to Saint Louis University for the BS in Strategic Intelligence with a Business continuity through the SLU School for Professional Studies. If I choose this program, I will still pursue my master’s through Georgetown in Applied Intelligence to stack with it.

Georgetown BALS is $400 per credit whereas Saint Louis is $650 per credit. SLU is #6 in the country in Strategic Intelligence whereas Georgetown is in the top 3 in the country for International Relations. From my observation the SLU program looks closer to the traditional undergraduate program including the University core curriculum. Georgetown’s BALS program in the School for Continuing Studies looks a lot different from the traditional undergraduate program including the university core curriculum. I can afford both programs out of pocket and location isn’t a factor since both programs are entirely online. Suggestions?

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If both are affordable, focus on the courses offered by each university and on any available job placement information (including internships) for each program.

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Decided on Georgetown. Proud to be a Hoya :slight_smile:

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