<p>I plan on going into business; I want a school that has a good social atmosphere as well as a good business program. Which school would fit that? U of IL-urbana, U of Wisc-madison, U of Indiana-bloomington?? Thanks</p>
<p>Those are three good schools. I recommend Wisconsin and Indiana over Illinois.</p>
<p>I'm planning on going into business and got into both wisconsin and indiana. Theyre both awesome schools, lots of fun at both, and both great business schools. Indianas is a little higher rated and wisconsins harder to get into, but either one you will have a great time.</p>
<p>Indiana EQUALS Business + Fun. Go to Kelley.</p>
<p>Why has nobody said anything about Illinois? Im just curious, Thanks</p>
<p>I guess the previous posters don't think too much of Illinois, but truthfully, Illinois overall is on par with Wisconsin and a little better than Indiana. The difference in quality for the business programs at each school is pretty negligible. You can make the argument that Wisconsin and Indiana can provide a little more in terms of social activities because Urbana-Champaign is more isolated than Madison and Bloomington, but there is still a ton of stuff to do here. The campus is actually exploding right now cause we're going to the NCAA championship game. </p>
<p>Obviously, you'll have to take my comments with a grain of salt, but I don't think I'm being too subjective. Also, if you want to go into anything related to accounting, then you should definitely consider U of I.</p>