Business School

<p>I was admitted to the Undergrad Business School at Miami last week, and I am seriously considering it. My concern is that it was never ranked very high in the Bloomberg rankings, and was dropped entirely from this year's version due to lack of recruiter response. Is this program respected on and around campus, and how is the placement/career services?</p>

<p>Im interested in seeing answers for this as well. How is it compared to Florida’s business school? Which one is higher ranked?</p>

<p>I would caution against just looking at rankings. Here is a link that has them all on one page:</p>

<p>[UM</a> School of Business Fast Facts : University of Miami School of Business](<a href=“]UM”></p>

<p>UM is a smaller program than the state schools with the advantage of starting out right in the SBA. Realistically, a business student needs to look at it long term and understand that they will probably need to get an MBA, Masters in Finance or Accounting or even a JD in this 21st century world (yes, Mark Zuckerberg dropped out and is a billionaire, but for everyone of him there are thousands who dropped out and have not found nearly the success). General undergraduate benefits like small class sizes, few T/As and a chance to study with a high level peer group across the university shouldn’t be overlooked. From The Launch Pad at the Toppel Career Center to the Bermont-Carlin Scholar Program, I think you may find that UMiami offers what you are looking for in a business school.</p>

<p>[The</a> Launch Pad | A Community of Entrepreneurs](<a href=“]The”></p>

<p>[Bermont/Carlin</a> Scholars Program : University of Miami School of Business](<a href=“]Bermont/Carlin”></p>

<p>In August UM appointed Gene Anderson as the new dean of the School of Business. Dr. Anderson is from the University of Michigan, which one of the top-rated (since you seem to value rank) business schools in the nation and even the world.</p>


[WorldCity</a> - University of Miami Business School names Gene Anderson dean](<a href=“]WorldCity”>
[School</a> of Business and Wider Community Welcome Gene Anderson as New Dean : University of Miami School of Business](<a href=“Miami Herbert Business School | News & Events | University of Miami”>Miami Herbert Business School | News & Events | University of Miami)</p>

<p>I’m sure he’ll be utilizing his expertise to improve UM’s business school in a variety of ways, having the experience that he does.</p>

<p>I’m in the Business school right now and I can honestly say I’m not really sure how much employers care where your business degree is from. Miami is a recognizable name and known as a fairly decent school, and I think that’s really what’s going to carry you. They aren’t going to take the time to go look up where your business school ranked versus competitors. They really just want you to have a degree and experience.</p>

<p>So I would say choose a school based on finances and how you feel you would fit in, rather than how it ranks compared to other programs.</p>