Business, Society, and Ecomomics Scholars Programs information?

<p>Tell me everything you know about this BSE scholars program, as I am most likely gonna do it.

<p>It’s one of the more competitive programs – you’ll have to write an essay about why you want to join the program. </p>

<p>BSE lives in Cambridge Hall (I can answer any questions about that you have, but it’s your basic residence hall… only thing is that you get your mail in the next building over, Centreville, but that’s not such a big deal). </p>

<p>I know that at one point (maybe last year?) the BSE program met Ben Bernanke, which is pretty cool. </p>

<p>Program site: [College</a> Park Scholars](<a href=“]College”></p>

<p>An essay?? Oh wow. This is news to me. What is this essay anyway? Is it the only determing factor to get in? If I get denied to BSE, can I apply to another scholars program?

<p>Sorry, essay is a scary word, after the applications process. I forgot. :slight_smile: It’s not really an essay… starting February 12, you’ll be able to fill out the Interest Inventory, which basically tells the Scholars Central Office which program you’re interested in. For the programs that generate the most interest (Life Sciences, BSE, etc.), they have you write a small description of why you want to be in that program.</p>

<p>They have you put your top 3 choices, so if you don’t get into BSE you most definitely can do another program.</p>

<p>Oh ok awesome! thanks for clearing that up and lol I have some more questions if you would be ever so kind to answer…</p>

<p>Are the dorms nicer? (AC, larger?)
Is Cambridge hall near facilities like the gym and the other freshman dorms?</p>

<p>Do I live with the kids in my program for the full two years?</p>

<p>Do you have access to honors classes in the business school as a scholar?</p>

<p>They don’t have AC. It’s not bad at all though. The rooms are standard size, BUT Cambridge is neat because the closets (well, in the rooms there I’ve been in at least) have this random storage space, that is just cinderblock in some buildings, because I think band kids used to live in the dorm or something? Anyway, it’s a typical dorm building, although it does have a kitchen in one of the lounges, which is nice.</p>

<p>It’s super close to the gym and the diner (less than five minutes to each), and is right near the freshman dorms (all on north campus).</p>

<p>You’d live with kids in your program for freshman year. Past that, you can choose if you want to stay there (some kids do), or move somewhere else (most kids do).</p>

<p>I’m not sure specifically about the business school honors classes, I’d say that I don’t think so, but you could always talk to your advisor when you meet with them (during orientation, or during the semester) and see. I do know that, after Honors kids sign up for the Honors seminars, Scholars kids are allowed to take any that aren’t full yet.</p>

<p>I see, awesome info. You are a god…</p>

<p>Well thanks for the info feel free to mention anything else I should know! :D</p>

<p>I will continually refresh this page until I see something, even if I have to for 5 hours…</p>

<p>If I think of anything, I’ll let you know. If you think of any other questions about BSE/Scholars/UMD, I’d be happy to help! (Plus it makes for a nice break from the reading I’m supposed to be doing at the moment…).</p>

<p>Thought of some lol.</p>

<p>You are a business major right?</p>

<p>Do you generally bring you laptop to classes? </p>

<p>Is this scholars program really time consuming?</p>

<p>Hardkicker…I think your question got lost in the deluge of all the posts! Bumping it up…</p>

<p>There are too many posts to keep track of at the moment. :)</p>

<p>I’m actually not a business major; I’m pursuing a double degree in Environmental Science and Policy and Spanish. (It’s a mouthful, especially when I add on the concentrations to the titles…)</p>

<p>It depends on the class, for laptops. I personally write much more quickly (and much more legibly) when I can use my laptop, so there were some classes (mainly the larger lecture ones) where I would definitely use it. For the most part, it depends whether you prefer laptops or writing your notes out. A key thing to keep in mind is that laptops are distracting… both to the kids surfing random pages around them, and for the people sitting around that kid, who can’t help but see that he/she is busy playing Farmville while the professor is talking about historical economic trends, or whatever the lecture topic is.</p>

<p>For the main part, I’d see how the first week goes. There are some professors whose teaching styles work quite well with note-taking on laptops, and for some classes, it just becomes obvious that it’ll be easier to just use a notebook (and less distraction). Also, it’s important to keep in mind the professor’s opinion. Some professors HATE laptops and ban them. In these cases, don’t even consider bringing it, because they get angry. Then you have some professors who say that they dislike them, but if you need one, it’s okay… don’t bring one. </p>

<p>To conclude my mini-novel about laptops, it’s easier to go to the first few classes, and then you’ll start to instinctively make decisions. I used a laptop in 3 of my 6 classes last semester, and not in any this semester. It just depends. :)</p>

<p>Scholars isn’t really time consuming. Each program is different, and has different expectations and requirements, but the thing to keep in mind is that the colloquium is usually a 1 credit course, which means that you’ll be expected to do the work for that credit. (One of my advisors likes the rule of thumb that you should spend 3 hours out of class studying/reading for every credit hour; a three-credit class should take 9 hours, four-credit 12, etc.). On that note, however, most of the programs are reading and discussion based, so you’ll often read something to get background knowledge then either discuss the information or the professor will present it in a different/interesting way. </p>

<p>As far as I’m aware, the focus is on developing knowledge and learning new skills/information, and there aren’t a lot of exams (if any). Scholars is supposed to enhance the university experience, not be an unbearably large amount of work. So, I’d say that I can’t speak specifically for BSE, but it isn’t really time consuming, no.</p>

<p>astrophysics mom- go clean the dishes or cook food.</p>

<p>Freshjazz- thx!</p>

<p>:d …</p>

<p>Hard, that is really sexist. I suppose you think it is funny, but it is not.</p>

<p>im laughing hence it is funny for me.</p>

<p>lesson learned: don’t try to call me out on my questions without me insulting you.</p>

<p>Wowww…she was only trying to bump up your post so more people would respond to your question. :/</p>

<p>Ha, actually I was bumping it up specifically so that fresh42jazz would see it…and I pm’ed fresh42jazz and said that you had a specific question… Oh, don’t mind me, I’ll grab my apron and potholders and get back into the kitchen where I belong now.</p>

<p>Hardkicker: There’s no need to be rude. Harby123’s response was completely justified.</p>

<p>Lesson learned: Don’t post comments that are potentially sensitive in nature and not expect some form of backlash (however mild).</p>