CA resident, Asian, GPA 3.31, SAT 1540, Engineering and possibly CS, <$60K/yr

looking for good colleges for engineering and if possible computer science
Finance – Ok < 60K per year.

Looks like I need more info:

GPA 3.31
Weighted 3.69
SAT 1540

Large school of 3000 in bay area.
Wont qualify for aid.

Little Extra Curricular.
1 year JV Volleyball
50 hrs of service

LORs from 2 current teachers.
Looking for college matches.

Match me!

What kind of engineering?

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GPA is an issue since many programs are impacted for those majors.

Have you looked at the Cal State schools?

For California publics, the non-impacted CSUs and UC Merced should be considered. Note that CSUs and UCs do not use SAT scores or recommendations for admission.

Arizona State University is probably an automatic admit with a 3.0 GPA (check its admission website and links to desired majors which list any additional admission requirements for the major) and costs about $55k out of state.

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Geographic, size preferences. There’s a ton of schools you could get into at that price.

Yes ASU is a good choice as it gives merit for SAT scores. Arizona would be much more expensive with that GPA.

Chico State is a popular choice for kids wanting engineering who don’t get into UCs.

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