Cal or UC Davis? Personal experiences/opinions?

<p>Hello! I have been admitted to Cal and UC Davis and I’m trying to decide where to go. I’ve been to both campuses and love them both for various reasons. I like Cal’s reputation, proximity to San Fran and great hiking, Greek system, the diversity around/on campus, the library, and the general vibe. For Davis, I like the bicycles, the overall look of the campus, the people, the recreation center, the dorms, and the vibe as well. In my mind, these awesome schools are equally great for me. What are your opinions of each school?</p>

<p>I have been admitted undecided in the college of Letters & Science/Humanities at each school but I’m thinking that I MIGHT want to study International Relations. However, I’m most interested in economics and culture in relation to the global economy. Which of these schools will afford me the most interesting education in this category?</p>

<p>I’m most interested in choosing a school where I will be happy and get a really respectable, quality education. If it helps to know, I’m a small town girl and looking forward to meeting more people and getting out of Southern California.</p>

<p>I have a son (freshman, engineering) at Davis and a daughter at Berkeley (senior, biology and anthropolgy). Both love their schools, and both are getting a great education/experience. UCD, from my distant perspective, makes the transition to college easier than UCB. You have some great choices. ps., my daughter was also undeclared L&S at UCB.</p>

<p>both are great schools.
CAL v DAVIS game in september!!!</p>

<p>I have two friends who chose Davis over Cal, and they are quite happy at Davis. Visit both schools and see which one feels better to you. Some people cannot get over the prestige of Cal, and I understand where they are coming from… regardless of where you go, I’m sure you’ll make the best out of it. G/L with your decision.</p>

<p>Umm. . .I went on the walking tour at UC Davis and it seems it barely even touched how large it is! It seems more like a city than a campus ^^;</p>

<p>And it IS beautiful and the students are pretty cool. There were some students playing intramural sports and when we walked past them they started cheering us on lol. It was hilarious and warm too. It felt great and was a totally good atmosphere. Much different from the overcrowded feeling I got at Berkeley.</p>

<p>There, people were scattered around trying to avoid each other except for the large “friend groups” I saw parading down Telegraph. Bought a cool children’s book written in Hangeul though, for 25 cents featuring a Korean mom spanking her kid with a wooden ladle because he was bad. I had to have it. It was some crazy used bookstore on a corner that bragged about carrying manga lol. To be honest, the atmosphere was kinda cool, I felt like I was at a flea market and I enjoyed the MANY bumper stickers this one vendor always has on display (they are very liberal). </p>

<p>There are countless good points to both schools.</p>

<p>I think I like the mellow atmosphere of Davis though because I grew up in the East Bay and I know how bad it can get at night^^
Ultimately, it is your decision you can’t go wrong either way right?</p>

<p>I agree with flwrgrl, you can’t go wrong either way. Good luck choosing.</p>