Cal poly freshman concerns

Public Health freshman concerns


I just got accepted to Cal Poly SLO as a public health major a few days ago and I’m still super excited. However I have a few concerns about the difficulty of classes because I am interested in going on a pre-med track towards medical school. I saw a grade distribution report from winter 2018 on Reddit where less than half the students in public health received A’s and B’s which is pretty concerning in its own right. In addition, I realized many classes are heavily impacted and there are classes that are prerequisites for my flow chart classes that I’m worried will be impacted. With my pre-med track, will I still be able to graduate on time in four years with a GPA acceptable for medical school? Please help out a scared prospective freshie because I REALLY want to go to cal poly SLO.

Scared that low a/b rate for my major and impacted classes will hurt med school chances.

Duplicate discussion. Already addressed in the Class of 2025 discussion thread.

Closing Thread.