Cal Poly meal plans for freshmen

Hi, the latest responses on this subject date back to 2014, so I’m hoping for more recent info. They offer three “First Year Flax” plans: Basic, Prime and Max, priced respectively at $5,193, $5,490 and $5,886. For a guy who works out and eats a lot, what would be a good plan?

The picture of that Flex Max guy, who looks like he just worked out and has two trays of food with two cookies, seems to be answering your question. :wink:

@berkeleymama I agree with sf94121 the Flex Max plan looks ideal for a boy who works out and eats a lot. Most teen boys want the max plan as it is 18 meals so that is already a step down from eating 3 meals at home. Young men sometimes sleep late on the weekends at college waking at lunch time and miss breakfast anyway so this is just one less than doing that and they have snacks built in

It’s nice that Cal Poly offers at least one buffet place where students can eat as much as they want for one set price. 805 Kitchen charges a pretty reasonable $6.50 per meal. Students can choose a variety of different foods and eat until they feel full, without having to worry about budgeting their dining dollars. They don’t have to think, “If I buy a drink or one more food item, will that be excessive and drain my dining plan dollars too fast?”

When we ate at 805 Kitchen during Open House, the student sitting at the next table had a plate piled high with fried wedge potatoes and another plate with a big pile of chicken wings. He looked like he was an athlete and he polished them all off! And who knows…maybe that was just his “appetizer course” :smile: