Cal Poly or University of Nevada Reno?

Hi everyone, this is a very late message with short notice so I do not expect too many replies, but it’s worth a shot. I was recently accepted into Cal Poly for mechanical engineering. I am out-of-state so I will likely accumulate $80k in college debt (roughly $20k per year). On the other hand, I have been offered a pretty substantial amount of scholarships from the University of Nevada Reno for the same major. This will likely result in $20k in loans total ($5k in loans per year) at the most. I am very split on this decision. Therefore, I want to ask:

Is Cal Poly’s engineering program really worth the hype (to the tune of $80k in loans)?

How does UNR’s engineering program stack up against it?

Is Cal Poly worth the extra money over UNR?

I also want to point out that I currently do not have intentions to attend graduate school in any capacity, and many of my AP courses weigh about the same at both schools. I understand Cal Poly is highly competitive for engineering and their transfer rates are VERY low, so this is essentially my only shot. I gotta pick by Friday! Let me know!

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You cannot take out more than $27K in loans for 4 years, so are your parents/family willing to fund the rest of the loans for you to attend Cal Poly SLO?

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