Cal Poly SLO Class of 2023 Thread

Sorry, about that. There’s not much around SLO, it’s in the middle of CA. Austin is a big city with lots of opportunities round campus.

I’d suggest setting up a separate thread not in the SLO section for greater participation.

@CAmom2023, just an FYI UTA is UT-Arlington. Texas, in Austin is always simply UT. The fact that you referred to it that way leads me to believe you aren’t from TX. If that’s the case, I see no advantage in choosing Texas unless she got great money.

That’s what I thought. But I’m not a Texan. ?

Anyone know of anyone who has been accepted off the WL for Political Science?

@RHPfSC: No waitlist admits as of yet.

Thank you, I meant in the past.

Is any one familiar with why SLO is still not giving any decisions for my application? The advisor told me, international students require more time to review, but their website says all application decisions are out on April first and a week have gone by …

@CAmom2023 From the way you write UTA, It looks like you are not from Texas. Your UG major looks like pre-med track and if SLO is in-state for you I would recommend saving money for med school by going in-state. It is difficult to get money for med school.

@eyemgh @collegereject118 Welcome back Eyemgh! I can shed a little light on athletic scholarships, at least at Stanford. If the coach wants you and has space on his/her admits, you’re in as long as you don’t have any "C"s. I can only imagine it’s even easier for accepted athletes at lesser schools.

Does anyone know when waitlist starts moving? and how late you might hear?

Wow those are great stats. Would you mind sharing what major you applied under? I have a son who may be applying here the coming year.

My S is still trying to decide between UC Berkeley and SLO. He was admitted for Mech Engineering at both. We are in state so cost diff is maybe $3000 a year (yes real $ but not a deal breaker either way). We are south of San Diego so both are long car rides. We are hitting the admitted student open houses for both (yikes!) this weekend (and why did they book them on the same weekend!). Not offered aid at either. He’s already toured both and he has reasons to love each (although very different). Any insights? Any deal breakers we haven’t thought of?

@RoboticsWidow, the biggest reason my son didn’t like UCB was the large classes and heavy reliance on TAs. According to the ASEE, Berkeley has 61 TAs in the ME department. Cal Poly has 2. Wheeler Hall holds 750 students and for some classes, students are still standing at the sides. I linked an article below of the classes held in Wheeler. It might be helpful. Physics at CP by contrast will be limited to 45 students and Calculus is limited to 32.

There is a lot of cachet to the Berkeley name though. Certainly there will be more high level research at UCB, by a very long margin, if that interests him and if he can land a spot as an undergrad. Cal has better athletics too. He’ll be employable either way as long as he keeps his grades up. Suffice it to say, they way they educate undergrads is radically different.

@eyemgh As always! Awesome info!

@RoboticsWidow You’ll probably make the drive from SD to Berkeley once a year. Otherwise your student will be flying from SD to Oakland. It’s a dirt cheep commuter flight especially if you stick to one airline and accumulate bonus points. Berkeley is an internationally prestigious university.

What’s ironic is that some HS students are not looking for prestige and here’s a thread that’s been topical for a few days on CC:

No doubt Cal is internationally prestigious, but SLO offers a smaller, more laid back environment, where the learning philosophy is to “learn by doing.” It’s an excellent alternative, if someone doesn’t like Cal or the City of Berkeley.

By when do you have to accept your financial aid award?

Berkeley is an internationally prestigious graduate school, no doubt about it. The undergraduate experience has ridden those coattails. Many see that for what it is and as @sushiritto said, are willing to forgo prestige for actual experience. The experiences will be polar opposite, but at the end of the day, he’ll get a good job either way.

@camom2023 Med school is an always dicey proposition. It is so incredibly tough to get in. Cp course offerings really seem awesome and I think are a great option. The Texas system is something else to consider - there are a boatload of great med schools in Texas and the undergrad system at UT supports their students entry into texas med schools rather strongly. Great mentorship and precepting options - those would weigh heavily in my decision I think. UT also has very strong med school advising. All things to think about - best wishes to your child!

DD was accepted to several schools for aerospace engineering. Cal Poly and CU Boulder (Honors) are her top two choices. We are in-state Colorado, but she really wants to live in CA. Merit money was minimal from CP SLO ($1K), but she has received several scholarships from CU with yearly cost under $20K per year. She loves the hands on learning approach from SLO, but likes the research options at Boulder. For me, it is hard to justify the price difference between the schools but I know that she would LOVE to live in SLO. Does anyone have an opinion that CP SLO has a better aero program than CU Boulder or if she would get better intern/job opportunities going to CP?