Cal Poly SLO Class of 2023 Thread

@parentinaustin: Thanks for the update. Redirection for Freshman just started this application cycle so not surprising there are some issues with the system, based on Cal State apply’s track record.

Looking for a general recommendation on the number of units/quarter, from a course load perspective. Is 20 units/quarter a bit too much for a CSC major ? Given, averaging 16 units/quarter would suffice to graduate in four years, could current upper classmen or their parents share their experiences/recommendation for an incoming CSC freshman ?

@To2023: SLO has a 4 year plan for each major to give you an idea of the average course load:

@To2023, divide the number of hours for the degree by the number of quarters in 4 years and you’ll have your answer. In this case it’s 180/12=15 hours per quarter. Now that’s average. Some quarters you might take more so that when you take the classes known to be tough, CS 357 for example, you can take less. Taking 20 will be very difficult though and not necessary. My son is an ME. Their curriculum is 200 hours. They have a few really hard classes (Fluids II and Thermo II can be killer depending on the instructor). He took 12h a couple of quarters and took higher loads early. He’ll have BS/MS in 5 years.

Has any waitlist decisions came out?

Also @eyemgh and/or @Gumbymom would you have an estimate for the chances of getting into philosophy off the waitlist as an instate student? Thanks!

@Turnippman: No way to know your chances. Everything depends upon how many admitted students accept their SIR for Philosophy.

Thanks @Gumbymom and @eyemgh. As usual, useful info from both of you.

I’ve seen the flowchart and I’m preparing my 4 year plan. I was directed to, and so, emailed and called the Office of the Registrar (which seems to be busy all the time) to get couple UW courses I did in high school evaluated for potential Cal Poly GE credits/units, but haven’t got a response yet. I know there would be academic advising help once I show up on the campus for Fall, but I wanted to get some head-start in in my planning and also evaluate if Q+ is worth it to get some credits taken care of early. I’m happy to PM my plan and get some early input from current/former CSC students or parents that have experience/insights working with Cal Poly CSC students.

@To2023, what AP credit and/or dual enrollment classes will you bring with you? How big was your high school and how intimidating do you find the upcoming transition to college life to be?

The reason I ask is that Q+ has value, but at a cost. It can get a jump on the transition and get a few credits out of the way, but means leaving your last HS summer, your HS friends and your family early. There’s clearly a trade that’s worth it for some and not for others.

@eyemgh - Thanks!.

I’ve PM’d the AP and other credits, I’ll be arriving with. Potentially up to 30 or 34 Cal Poly units. I’m from a fairly large public HS and at least five of my friends are going to Cal Poly as well, so transitioning in shouldn’t be a problem, but still there are some jitters thinking about it.

I’m with you on losing out a month of summer with family / friends, so at this point Q+ makes sense only if it helps with credit situation.

DS made his final decision! He chose the ME at Cal Poly over acceptances to Berkeley, UCI, UCSD, UCSB, UCR, Virginia Tech, Purdue, and WPI. Visiting each campus just solidified that if you want hands on in engineering Cal Poly is pretty hard to beat. We are excited!

Did anyone apply to the honors program and is the notification coming out by tomorrow? I can’t make a decision for colleges until I hear back about SLO’s honors so I’m just very nervous about it.

@lailalily, I would not put much if any emphasis on choosing Cal Poly based on getting into their honors program. Most schools have honors programs to offer an experience for students that every Cal Poly student gets, small classes, professor taught. It has changed some, but at the time my son decided against the honors program. He didn’t feel that the benefits warranted the extra classes he would have needed to take.

There are some students who plan to go on to post grad programs, and to whom, an honors designation is an important factor in their decision making process. I understand why the question might be asked, and to the OP, I don’t have any idea as to when CP lets students know their honors status.

I believe they announce honors status by today–at least that’s what I recall when our D applied for the program earlier.

@LACookie, I can’t think of a graduate program that would put much if any import on whether a student was in the honors program. They care about previous research, GPA and then GRE for research programs and GPA and testing for professional programs.

My experience is a bit different than yours then @eyemgh. The med schools and residency programs I have worked with certainly look at participation in an honors program as a desirable characteristic for a candidate. Never the only factor, but definitely a factor in my experience. So I think it is reasonable for a student to want to know if they can participate in an honors program before committing to a school. Not to mention the swag that you get along with that designation that makes your life as a student easier or more complete :slight_smile:

does anybody have any more info for when the freshman waitlist decision comes out?

@FireDoggg somebody commented on the wait-list thread that admissions wouldn’t release decisions until May 1st and after, beyond that I don’t know much about how they will be released, this is new territory for me…

I took gov/econ during the summer at Method (online school), does anyone know if Slo requires students to send transcripts from online schools? The only thing in my to-do list is the final transcript but some of my friends have a summer school transcript in their to-do list.