Cal Poly SLO Class of 2023 Thread

@hermom1 We are out of state so not familiar with the Cal State system and our school counselor also gave us the advice to just put the foreign language. She also did not know anything about the MCA. I was thankful for this site because my DD would not have filled it out correctly.

Thank you so much for saying so @1mo1bo I agree and it is sad to see some of the comments about " Cal Poly favoring the dishonest." etc. My DS, like everyone here worked his tail off in HS with an MCA of 1479. He has a job that is easily verified. Why would anyone lie about existing or past employment on an application that can certainly be verified at any time. The repercussions of that are much too great. That would be perjury. My DS was also in athletics for 4 years which is on his HS transcripts which Cal Poly requires after you accept admission- another layer of verification.
I can only imagine how frustrating it is to not have heard back yet or feeling uncertain about why underestimations were made with ECā€™s and work hours but honestly, it is no reason to start suggesting that others were lying on their apps.My DS did not read up on how to complete the Cal Poly app, he went into itā€¦honestly and with integrity.

iā€™m really done with this waiting.

@1mo1bo, same story for my son. I didnā€™t know about the MCA until after heā€™d applied.

@Harborlife I have no doubt a majority of students claim the truth. My comment was sparked from a post about an admitted student that received 300 extra points because they misread the question about parents not graduating high school as a parent not graduating college. I was simply questioning how this information is not verified as anyone can check a box. Obviously GPA and test scores are verified and official. But to ask questions to receive points with no basis for verification (other than the honor system) seems flawed.

[quote @eyemgh]


For us it was critical to get on this site over a year ago, learn about the MCA, and then tailor my Dā€™s academic and work/ec load to maximize her chances with CP. For those with very high stats it doesnā€™t make so much differenceā€¦ but for a student who is a notch down it made ALL the difference. In some ways this whole convoluted process is a bit like life, in general. I know itā€™s been a great lesson for my D.



@1mo1bo @Harborlife I am sorry if you felt I was insinuating that all people lied, Iā€™m sure it is not the norm and hope and pray that it doesnā€™t occur at all; I know how hard all of these kids have worked. I never meant to make anyone feel bad.

@kdenver4 I was the mom who mentioned misreading the box about graduating HS vs college ā€” I didnā€™t mean on the application, I meant on the MCA calculator ā€” my D answered those questions correctly on her application but when I did the MCA calculator (which we nothing about at the start of this process) I read it quickly, I wanted to put the information in that the person gathering the information was requesting so I changed it on that thread.

Again sorry to anyone if my post was taken wrong I did not mean it at all, I just feel bad for all the kids being declined. Sorry.

@hermom1 Thank you for the clarification! Congrats to your daughter :slight_smile:

I truly do hope people are honest (Iā€™m going to assume most are!). Thereā€™s obviously a large pool of very qualified, high achieving students applying for colleges. I currently have three high schoolers and am so impressed daily by the drive they have with rigorous classes, sports, work, student council, etc. All these kids truly work hard for these acceptances and Iā€™m so happy for them!

My daughter is currently a freshman that is planning on applying to Cal Poly. At least now Iā€™ll be an expert when her turn comes lol

my daughter is still waiting to hear from Cal Poly yay or nay. She just got accepted to University of Washington and was already admitted to SDSU honors program, CSULB, CSUS, CSUMB, Oregon State, University of Oregon, UC Boulder, and CO State. We are waiting on UCSB, UCSD and UCSC. But of all those schools her very first choice, the one where she could actually see herself at was Cal Poly. Iā€™m grateful that if she doesnt get into Cal Poly she has other choices but she will be disappointed.

She told me last night that last year a friend applied to Cal Poly, UCSB, UCSD and UCLA and the only one he was accepted to was UCLA. Weirdā€¦

Is it possible to switch majors if I havenā€™t received my admission yet? Or even after getting rejected? Someone that I know got deferred to Penn state and asked them to reconsider his application after switching his major, and he was admitted.

the deadline to change majors was January 16 so I dont think so

@Drummer1030 i have heard of at least three kids in the last three years who were denied cal poly but accepted at UCLA. My D is still waiting on Cal Poly too.

@StacysMom24 @Drummer1030 and this is why we had our S19 cast a wide net. This college application process is unpredictable

Does anyone know when major changes can be made and if they can even be done? I was accepted into anthropology and plan on switching into biology

@lilpu987: You need to attend orientation and speak with your advisor about the major change. Just be aware that one of the SLOā€™s criteria in changing majors is that you would have been qualified for your new major at time of admission. This means getting accepted into an easier major and then switching to more difficult major (based on admissions) may not be possible. The policy keeps students from ā€œback dooringā€ their way into SLO.

**General guidelines

Students must complete at least one quarter at Cal Poly before they are eligible to enter into an Individualized Change of Major Agreement (ICMA).
Students are expected to research their options and make a well-informed decision before entering into an ICMA. This includes attending workshops and conversations with advisors and departments.
Students are allowed one ICMA per major. Students who do not meet the conditions of their ICMA will not be issued another ICMA for that major.
Change of major is not guaranteed, but it is possible through the policies that we have set up for each major. Criteria may change as demand changes for each major.
Review Cal Polyā€™s General Change of Major Policy in full.[\b]

@gzza73 we casted too wide of net. haha. im embarrassed to even say how many schools my D applied to. we had advisors telling us we need to add more saftey schools, telling us stories of students w perfect SATs and stellar gpas that were denied admission to all their college choices. That coupled w the fact my D was considering O-O-S led to a very long list ā€”but happy to report she will be going to college. haha

Okay thank you for all the information! And so this means that I would not be able to change majors until I actually start at Poly and have already completed one quarter unless I was qualified for my new major and was able to switch before the school year?

Does anyone know how competitive the sociology major is? Iā€™m eagerly waiting on a decision.
3.9 GPA and a MCA of about 4100.

Someone was admitted under this major at my school never taking an AP or honors class, so not sure what exactly theyā€™re looking for!