Cal Poly SLO Class of 2023 Thread

@haleyf1105: Based on SLO target projections, Sociology expects 685 applicants for 55 spots. If you assume a 33% yield, then the projected acceptance rate is around 24%.

Here are some stats of admitted students:
CSU gpa 3.83
1290 SAT
In State
No clue about MCA
Accepted 3/3


@Gumbymom Do you know anything about target projections for a Marine Science major?

@ccrn162: Projected applicants is 520 for 25 spots in Marine Science.

@Gumbymom Business Administration?

@Jtuell8: Take a look at the this link

Look for the Business Admin major. FTF applicants is 6053 and FTF Target is 570.

@StacysMom24 my S19 did a lot too but better too many than not enough if you ask me.

Is Cal Poly known for meeting the financial aid need of low income students? Do they primarily award aid through grants and scholarships or is a significant portion of it through loans?

@hsco2019: SLO like all CSU’s do not guarantee to meet need but if you are a California resident and you meet income eligibility limits, then between Federal aid and Cal grants, you could have your tuition and some housing costs covered.

What is your family income? How many in the household? Any other siblings in college?

Have you filled out the Net Price calculator to get an estimate of your aid? The issue with the Cal states is financial aid assumes you will be a local commuter.

@Gumbymom thanks for the information on the Marine Science. It will help me prepare my girlie for disappointment. She got accepted at Monterey Bay but of course, CP SLO was her first choice.

@Gumbymom My EFC is 215 according to FAFSA. Would they come anywhere near meeting this?

Haven’t heard back UGH
UW gpa: 4.0
W GPA: 4.5
SAT: 1400
Biological sciences
In state

Hopefully we will all hear back today or over the weekend at least! Don’t give up hope yet
 fingers crossed. This chat is the only thing getting me through
Lol Thanks for all the info guys

What about agricultural systems management changes?

@hsco2019, are you in state or out of state?

@eyemgh in state. Admitted for Business. MCA 4687

@hsco2019 Was this today?

@Last1Done my acceptance came Sunday morning

@hsco2019, @Gumbymom is better equipped to answer your question.

BTW, I didn’t look, but did you post to the Final Status thread with your MCA. I’d appreciate it if not. Thanks!

Anyone hear from communications yet???

My friend is still waiting to hear for communications as well.