Cal Poly SLO Class of 2025 Regular Decision

Parents on Facebook say you can upgrade but can not downgrade so lowest plan recommended.


TRUST ME! After 2 boys - and when the kids see the prices of a coffee at starbucks - they will cringe. You have to let them know it is ok to pay that amount for a coffee. You cannot use the dining plan card at the meat processing center or the creamery BUT you can use it at the markets and rake in all of the meat and ice cream there. We started with the middle plan for #1 and downgraded the next quarter. #2 did not have an option and he still does not use it all. What happened to the freshman 15?

If you buy the lowest , you can just add money as needed, correct? I was advised to buy the lowest and them send breakfast food and snacks by instacart

I wonder if instacart will deliver to a dorm?

I think so. I was given this advice in the Cal Poly parent Facebook group from experienced parents. And Sprouts is on Instacart there and they have pretty healthy food.

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A good tip—thanks!

My son just received his today too for graphic design., congrats!


Nice to see a few acceptances this late in March, congratulations! Still hopeful that my son might get off the waitlist. Making plans to visit schools out of state but more than happy to cancel or turn those trips into vacations :wink:

It seems like movement will start to really happen once UCB is released. All the CA kids will start accepting and declining and hopefully we’ll see your son get in quickly. :crossed_fingers:


My D21 did too!:partying_face:


Does anyone know if it is possible to switch from general engineering to software engineering within my first year at cal poly?

From SLO website re: software engineering (SE):

“SE will NOT be accepting change of majors for the foreseeable future.

If you are interested in SE, we recommend looking into related majors (CSC or CPE) or meeting with a Career Counselor to discuss other majors that can meet your career goals.”

You can toggle around their website for different engineering majors:

Congratulations! I remember seeing your posts a bit ago and was hoping you’d have good news coming your way!!

Can anybody tell me if waitlisted applicants are considered for both their first choice and alternate major if/when they go to the waitlist? @Gumbymom Do you happen to know?

I believe they will consider the first choice major, then if no spots are available then the alternate major may be considered.

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Hello Gumbymom, I have a quick question. Our school counselor sent out an email saying that Cal-Poly is requesting grades for all admitted students ASAP. I find this unusual as this is my 4th kid and I never had this happen before. Any idea what is going on? And this is not just for my kid, it’s for all admitted students. If you have any insight that would be great.

Are they planning to ask for grades again after second semester is over? That seems like double the work for them. In any case I see this as a good thing. If they find some problem, wouldn’t it be better if they find it sooner than later (after you have turned down other colleges)?

I know that SLO has asked for Mid-year Senior grades once the admitted students enrolled but not all admitted students

Final HS transcripts will be required as a condition of enrollment but those are due in July.

I’m not quite sure what grades SLO is asking for ASAP.

Are they talking about grades at the end of the most recent Quarter, 1st semester (Fall) grades or just final transcripts once you’re finished HS?

Our counselor specifically referenced all admitted students and said that the request was unique for this year. Just curious since I know it didn’t happen previous years.